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You yawned, walking to class while walking with Isabell.

Your eyes can barely open, and Isabell frowned.

"Why are you so tired? Did you sleep late?" She taps on your shoulder to make you awake.

"Kind of," you then linked your arm to her so she can guide you the way.

"What did you do?" You sighed.

"Our maths assignment," Isabell then frowned again, thinking about the assignment.

"But, we divided the work, and it wasn't that much," you then nodded to agree with her.

Both of you then reached the class and went to your seats.

"Jeonghan's part is a little wrong, so I went through his questions and corrected his solving," you explained to her, and her eyes widened.

"You what?! y/n I know you're nice but-" she was trying to nag you, but you immediately placed your head onto the table.

"I want to sleep, Isabell pleasee," Isabell is not satisfied, but she felt sorry for you being tired, so she agreed to stay quiet.


In class, you cannot pay attention properly to the lecture because you keep falling asleep.

You kept looking at the time and groaned when it seems like time didn't move.  There is still one hour left before lunch break.

Your phone on the table then vibrated, signaling an inbox, and you took it to see who is texting you.

Are you okay?

You look over across the class where Jeonghan is sitting, and he was looking at you. You then looked at the message again before replying.

Yeah, just a little tired

What time did you sleep yesterday?

3 am

I told you to sleep early

I had to finish our group task

You shouldn't overwork yourself, dummy

Whatever I want to doze off during lunchtime

Don't you want to have lunch?

My sleep is more important
Pay attention Jeonghan

Look who's talking


You turn off your phone and look in front again. It didn't take you long before your eyes are starting to close again.

Jeonghan, on the other side, was glancing at you several times. He felt guilty that you sleep late to correct his work but seeing you kept falling asleep made him smile.


"Y/n wake up, next class is starting," you're eyes fluttered open after feeling Isabell shaking it.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now