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"You got a problem man?" Jeonghan asked the guy again.

"Jeonghan, hehe you came," you smiled and rested your head on his chest.

"Hey, I'll take you home okay?" he smiled back and stroked your hair before looking at the guy again.

"I didn't know she already had a boyfriend. I'm sorry man," the guy apologized and walked away from the both of you.

"Where are your things? Come on, let's get out from here. You're drunk,"

"I'm nottt," you whined.

"Show me where are your things hmm?" He asked you softly while cupping your cheeks.

Your face turns hot, and you felt embarrassed seeing Jeonghan looking at you like that.

"Over there," you pointed at where Mina and YeJin are sitting.

He walks over there with you. Mina and YeJin talked while drinking, but when they saw Jeonghan, they both stood up and bowed.

"Mr. Yoon,"

"Don't be so formal with me. It's after work hours anyway," he smiled and looked around.

"Can you give me her things? I'm bringing her home,"

They quickly grabbed your things and handed them over to Jeonghan. You were not aware of anything since you were half-conscious on Jeonghan's chest.

"Thanks," he then waved goodbye before bringing you out from the club.

Mina and YeJin look at you and Jeonghan before looking at each other.

"And she is still denying that they're dating," YeJin said and sighed.

Jeonghan tried to support you with one hand while holding your hands with the other, but it was so hard, so he had to wear the sling bag before carrying you on his back.

"Don't vomit on me y/n," you giggled while hugging him tight and swinging your legs in the air.

"Hannie, I miss you," you said before resting your head on his shoulder. He smiled hearing your words.

"I miss you too,"

He brings you to his car which was parked not so far from the club, and placed you at the passenger's seat to bring you home.

Jeonghan didn't need to look at the GPS since he was already familiar with the way to your house, but as soon as he reached the parking lot of your apartment, he looks at your sleeping state.

Will he miss his chance like this?

Yes, he messed it up, but when will he get the chance to talk to you like this again? It was a big mistake that he had to admit, but he wants to correct it.

Without thinking twice, he steps on the pedal and drove out from your apartment building. You're not even budging from your sleep when Jeonghan drives the car to his apartment.

"Get some rest, okay?" He removes the strands that were covering your face after laying you down on his bed.

He tucked you to bed and pulled the sheets to cover you up since it was cold. You snuggled to the sheets before murmuring something without you realizing it.

"Why can't it be me? It's always someone else,"

Jeonghan stopped to stand up from the bed and looks back at you, who was now sleeping soundly.

"I'm sorry y/n, I really am,"

He was nervous about facing you when you're sober, but he was ready with all the possibilities that were yet to come. His thoughts wandered to his conversation with Nari when both of them were dating.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now