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"I still have a few more surprises for you," he said while still swaying to the music with you. Both of you are just feeling the moment with each other.

"There's more?" You were surprised by the amount of surprises he has. When did he even have time to prepare all this?

"I want to dedicate this beautiful evening to my beautiful girlfriend," Jeonghan announced, and everyone cheered for you.

"Look up," Jeonghan whispered and you immediately looked up to the sky and were startled by the sound of fireworks.

"They're so pretty," you were mesmerised by the beautiful colours filling up the sky, and Jeonghan took a deep breath before taking both of your hands.

You paid attention to him as he looked deep into your eyes, suddenly making you feel nervous seeing him like that.

"My last surprise for tonight," he said and took a few steps away from you. Everyone was quiet, watching the scene of the two of you.

He got on one knee and pulled out a small box from his pocket. You then knew what this was all about.

"Shit Jeonghan, I am not prepared for this,"

With a nervous smile and looking at you, he then said:

"Y/n, I love you more than anything in this world,"

"Will you marry me?"

"Jeonghan is that even a question? Of course I do!" you nodded without hesitation, and tears began to flow from your eyes.

You help pull Jeonghan back to his feet, and shortly after, he puts the ring on your finger.

You loved how it fits perfectly on your ring finger.

"I love you," you said to him, unable to control your emotions and crying out happy tears.

"I love you too," he said back and was also wiping the corner of his eyes.

"Don't cry y/n, your makeup might be ruined," he wipes off your tears carefully not to smudge your makeup.

"Damn it Jeonghan, why do you always go beyond my expectations," you gently punched his chest and he cupped your cheeks.

"Because you deserve to have it, and I want to be the one that gives you everything you deserve," As he pressed a tender and warm kiss on your forehead, cheers filled the air from everyone around you. You felt incredibly blessed and grateful for the love and support of everyone there.

As the night went, everyone began to go back home. You and Jeonghan thanked and waited for all the guests to go home before going back yourselves.

The ride back home was silent, but only because Jeonghan couldn't keep his hands to himself. His hands were intertwined with yours until you reached home.

While you were standing in front of the mirror to open your earrings, he sneaked up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist. A giggle escapes your mouth as he gives your neck open-mouthed kisses. His lips touched your ear.

"Are you tired?" He whispered. You look at him through the mirror momentarily and turn around to face him.

"A little," you replied, and your arms went to hug his waist.

"Let's take a bath together," he said as he gently caressed your cheeks. You went to take off the dress and changed into a bathrobe. As you return to the room, Jeonghan is undoing his tie and you walk up to him.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now