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"Deep breaths y/n, relax," Joshua said to you, and you followed his instructions.

"I'm sweating," you tried to fan yourself.

"Our football practice finishes at 4.30, so you can wait for a while until everyone went back. I'll make sure Jeonghan will be the last one to go back," he said while looking at his watch on his wrist.

"Thanks, Joshua," he nodded before taking his duffle bag to go to their football practice.


You look at your phone, and it was already 4.45. You thought it would be best to go and meet him now.

"What should I say to him?" You mumbled to yourself, feeling anxious.

"Jeonghan, I like you?"
"Jeonghan, I have feelings for you?"

You were getting butterflies trying to think what to say to him.

As soon as you reached the field, your steps are halted when you saw Jeonghan is talking to a girl.

It was Nari.

You tried to hide, so they can't see you. Jeonghan was smiling at her.

Suddenly all your confidence earlier drained. You suddenly can't do this, and your legs felt weak when Nari gave a peck on Jeonghan's lips and hugged him.

You're too late.

It was a waste of time watching them and let your heartache more.

You called Joshua, and luckily he didn't go back yet. As soon as he noticed something wrong with you, he tells you that he will meet you at the bleachers.

When Joshua came to you, you looked at him with teary eyes.

"What happened?" He kneeled in front of you so he can look at your face.

"I tried not to cry. I'm sorry, I'm too weak," you started to sob, and Joshua wipes away your tears.

"Y/n what happened? Tell me," he asked again with a concerned face.

"He accepted Nari's confession," Joshua was shocked.

"Are you sure?" He asked you since he can't believe it. You nodded before telling him everything that you saw earlier.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have seen that," he said before pulling you into a hug. He patted you slowly to make you calm.

"It's okay, y/n,"


"Hello Jeonghan, I'm Nari," A girl suddenly showed up in front of Jeonghan after he went out of the boy's locker room.

"Oh uhh hello," he answered hesitantly, looking at the girl that he never knew.

"Sorry for suddenly meeting you like this. I have something to say to you," He could've guessed what the girl wants.

"Sure, what is it?" She looks at her when she fiddled with her fingers and acts all shy.

"I had a crush on you for a while," Jeonghan nodded as he predicted and just smiled at her.

"I'm so-," his sentence was cut off when Nari suddenly pecks his lips and hugged him.

"This girl is something else," Jeonghan thought before prying the girl off him.

"Please give me a chance. I'll be good to you, I promise," she said when she already sense that Jeonghan will reject her.

"Nari, I'm sorry, I don't want to date anyone right now," Jeonghan apologised politely before saying that he wants to go back. She stopped him and handed him a piece of small paper.

"I hope you'll think about it, don't worry, I'll be waiting, here's my number," Jeonghan took the small paper and looked at it. It was her phone number.

"Alright, I'll go first then," Jeonghan then walked past her and sighed. The situation he needs to face almost every day got him tired.

He holds the piece of paper and starts walking out from the field area. He then stopped when he saw someone familiar sitting alone at the field bleachers.

As he walks closer, he notices that it was you. He smiled before started walking towards you.

He thought it would be fun to prank you by scaring you from behind, so he started sneaking, but before he could go to you, Joshua came and kneeled in front of you. That's when he realised that you are crying.

His smile slowly faded when Joshua was wiping your tears and hugged you. Something was burning inside him when he saw that.

His thoughts were mixed up. Why are you crying? Why are you meeting Joshua? Why is Joshua the one who comforted you? He thought he was the one who should do that. He was frustrated when he thought about all that.

He slowly clenched his fist, looking at you, crying on Joshua's chest. When he looks at his clenched fist, he saw the small piece of paper that Nari gave him earlier.

It made him think of something. Something stupid that he knows he will regret.

He begins to run to the field gate and looks around until he sees someone he was looking for who was about to walk out from the gate.

"Nari, wait," he runs while calling out to her and stopped after he was in front of her.

He catches his breath before looking at her.

"Let's date,"


The next day in class, Jeonghan didn't even spare you a glance, but you can't be bothered anyway. Your thoughts were all over the place, and you didn't care about your surroundings.

"Did you hear that Kim Nari and Jeonghan are dating?" You heard one of your classmates who's sitting behind you talking.
"Omg? This is the first time I'm hearing Jeonghan is dating," her friend replied, and you sighed.

You took out your earphones and plugged them into your ears. Fuck everyone is making everything worse.

Isabell knew what happened, but she knows that you needed some time alone. She shouldn't make the situation worse since it was already bad.

You didn't pay attention to any classes for the day and just scribbled random things in your notebook. Even when it was lunchtime, Isabell was the one who dragged you to the cafeteria because she was worried that you didn't have any breakfast.

It was worse when your seat was facing Jeonghan's table, and you saw him and Nari eating together. He has his arms around her, and she was feeding him food.

Everyone paid attention to them, including you. It makes your appetite lose, and you put down your utensils.

"Are you okay?" Isabell asked, feeling concerned.
"I'm fine, Isabell. I'll head to class first," you stood up and took your tray and put it at the food leftovers before leaving the cafeteria.

Jeonghan saw it all. You were spacing out the whole day, and you didn't even finish your food. Why is he even doing this? He should be there with you.

Deep inside, there was something that he was afraid to admit.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now