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"Y/n?" The guy looks at you, and you were stunned.

"Jeonghan?" That's why the cologne smells familiar. It was Jeonghan's.

"Who you calli-," the guy who was walking with him tried to talk, but Jeonghan stopped him.

"You go first. I'll catch up in a sec," Jeonghan said and winked at him, but he just nodded in confusion and walked away from you both.

"Long time no see," Jeonghan said while smiling at you. The smile that used to kill you, and it still did.

"Before I say anything, I have so many things to curse to you," you said, holding it in yourself.

"Whoa, chill, I would love to hear you curse, but I have a meeting to attend. Are you free for lunch?" He chuckled and looked at his wristwatch.

"Probably," you tried to remember if you're free from any pending work that needed to be handled urgently.

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll pick you up at the lobby at 12.10," he decided, and you frowned.

"But-," You didn't even manage to reply to him, but he already left you.

"Bye y/n," he waved at you while walking quickly.

"So he decided to show up in front of me after disappearing, and he ordered me to have lunch with him?" You sighed to yourself and continued walking to your department.


"Y/n, do you want to have lunch with us?" One of your colleagues asked you because a few of them wanted to go to lunch together. They were nice to you, and it makes you feel comfortable.

"I want to, but I have plans," you turned down the offer politely when you remembered you're having lunch with Jeonghan.

"Alright, we'll see you after lunch then," they then went to lunch, leaving you alone.

"Enjoy your lunch!" You shouted enough for them to hear.

You then look at the time and saw it's already 12.05, which shows that you should go down to the lobby now. You fiddled with your fingers because you're so nervous about meeting Jeonghan. How can't you? It was your first crush that you didn't meet for years.

As soon as you reach the lobby, you can see Jeonghan waiting for you, leaning against his car wearing sunglasses outside the entrance, and the sight was just breathtaking. When he saw you, he waved to you so you can see him. He didn't even have to wave because he was definitely the attention there.

 He didn't even have to wave because he was definitely the attention there

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this is office Jeonghan that I imagined and looking fine as always🥵

You gasped lowly, looking at his car. It was a blue Bugatti car. He opens the passenger seat for you to enter and went to the driver's seat to drive.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now