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"Let's forget what happened yesterday," jeonghan said, and you stopped eating.

You dropped the spoon in the bowl that still contains some of the porridge. Your throat becomes dry, and you lost your appetite.

You shifted your gaze to Jeonghan, who's also at the moment looking at you.

"Why?" You asked him.

" was an accident y/n, I didn't mean for it to happen," he answered hesitantly, and you put the bowl aside.

Jeonghan's eyes avoided your stare, and you felt hurt by his words. You grab the glass of water and medicine that he prepared for you and swallow it.

"I'm done eating. You can do your work now. I want to rest," he was about to say something, but you cut him off.

"Don't worry, I promise to not look at any of my work," he nodded, and without even sparing him any more glance, you laid down while pulling the covers over you.

"I'll inform your head department about your works, don't worry," you hummed in response with your eyes closed.

"I'll be outside. If you need anything, call me," he said again before taking the tray, closing the lights, and left your room.

"Things always turn out like this with Jeonghan," you said after he left the room, and a few drops of tears flowed on your cheeks before you even know it.

"We're not meant to be together,"


You woke up and feel so dizzy in your room. Your eyes wandered into the darkroom.

It was so cold, and you were shivering.

"Jeonghan," you called out softly, but you didn't have the energy to call him loud enough for him to hear.

You tried to stand correctly and walk slowly to the living room. You saw Jeonghan sitting at the dining table doing his work on the laptop.

"Hey, you're awake. Are you okay? Did you feel any better?" He asked you as soon as he saw you before standing and walk to you.

You hold to the wall because you were feeling so weak.

"Y/n!" Jeonghan immediately catches you when you were about to fall.

He put his hand on your forehead and cheeks, and it made him so worried.

"Your body is so hot. Let's go lie back down and let me grab a towel and water," he slowly brings you back to your room and lays you down on the bed.

He left the room for a few minutes before coming back with your medicine and a small pail of water with a small towel.

"It's been four hours. You need to eat the medicine again," he help you to sit up to eat the medicine, and you swallow the pill without saying anything.

"Close your eyes and try to go to sleep, okay?" He caressed your head and put a small wet towel on your forehead.

"I'm sorry to trouble you so much," you muttered.

"Don't say that. Your health is everything to me y/n," he smiled and removed the towel.

He dipped the towel into the pail again and wrung the towel before wiping it over your neck a few times.

You can feel he repeated the action several times and wipe your neck, arm, and forehead. The medicine made your eyes felt heavy again, and you slowly went to sleep.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now