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A/N: I've been keeping these chapters for so long inside my drafts. Sorry it took me so long ;)

You were half awake when you felt Jeonghan place his hands around your waist and lean closer.

"Jeonghan, don't," you smiled when he started pressing small kisses against the back of your neck

"Morning," he mumbled against the skin of your neck.

"How's your fever?" You then placed your palm on his forehead and cheeks to check his temperature.

"All better," he smiled, and you turned to face him.

"Probably because of someone," you rolled your eyes playfully, but you were thankful he was not sick anymore.

"I can kiss you as much as I want now," He leans closer and presses his lips against yours. You rest your hand on his cheek while he deepens the kiss.

He pulls away for a quick second to look you in the eyes.

"Move back in with me,"

"Nooo," you whined and looked at Jeonghan with a small pout.

"You don't know how tiring it is to move houses,"

"Because of you, I have moved two times," you pushed your index finger on his chest.

He took your hand and gave a peck on your lips. He really does know how to shut you up.

"I'll help you,"

"I'll think about it," you said and he groaned.

"Come on baby," he pleaded and you shook your head, resulting in him placing both his arms on your sides. Your eyes widened as you knew what he was about to do.

"Jeonghan, that tickles," you started laughing and he tickled you more.

"Stop," your tried to push him away, but you were too weak to do so.

"Okay fine! Stop!" He stopped when you finally agreed.

"But I can't move in yet," you said while wiping the tears from your eyes from the tickling.

"You are still my ex," He sat on the bed and fiddled with his fingers. You are just watching him while still lying down.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" But then he seems to rethink his words.

"No wait, that doesn't sound romantic. Let me rephrase that,"

"Can I be your boyfriend?" You almost laughed at how serious his face was right now. You then get up and sit on his lap.

You pretended to wonder and cupped his cheeks.

"Depends," his eyes are anticipating what you might want.

"On what?" You giggled and kissed him.

"If you can make me the cookies again,"

"I can make all the cookies you want," his fingers traced up the side of your thighs and admired your beautiful figure.

"I miss seeing you in my clothes,"

"Makes me realise how comfortable all your clothes are," you lay your head on his neck.

"Didn't you take a few with you?" He looked down and asked you.

Oh damn, you're busted.

"I did?" You asked and pretended you didn't know what he was talking about.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now