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Unedited: do comment if there is any unclear parts or grammatical error thank you :)


❗️smut scene ahead❗️

"Welcoming Mr Yoon Jeonghan as YJ's company Cheif Executive Officer," the emcee announced and the hall doors opened for you and Jeonghan to enter.

You wrap your arms around Jeonghan as both of you walk with cameras and lights flashing over your figures.

"I am embarrassed," you whispered to Jeonghan.

"Smile, people are taking pictures. I promise we'll leave early," he holds your hand and brings you to the dinner table reserved for you and him.

It was awkward for people to see the CEO bringing his secretary as his plus one but you don't want to disappoint Jeonghan so this is the best you can do.

"I would like to invite Mr Yoon to give a speech up here as the opening of our annual dinner," the emcee invited Jeonghan to give a speech and he stood up from beside you and went up to the stage.

He cleared his throat and looked at everyone.

"Hello, good evening all,"

"I am happy our annual company dinner was successfully held again. As you all know, I purposely made this annual dinner to appreciate all of you for working under this company. Each one of you is the reason why we made it this far,"

You thought the speech was over when everyone applauded but Jeonghan waited for everyone to calm down.

"As you all know what happened a few days ago, I accidentally declared y/n as my girlfriend," you blushed when Jeonghan looked at you and everyone's gaze was directed to you.

You felt like you want to hide under the table from the attention that you got at the moment.

"Are you curious to know whether is it true or not?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes!" The whole hall responded and he chuckled.

"I thought so," he then looks at you.

"She is. I hope that clear things up. We're still professional at work so I hope everyone will be nice about it," he looked around the hall and made eye contact with you again.

"Thank you for being beside me to make this happen. I hope we will be together all the way and be successful together. Thank you," he bowed and stepped down from the stage while everyone applauded.

"I declared my love for you openly. Are you happy?" He said in a low voice.

"I'm mostly embarrassed, but it's still cute though," you shrugged but earned a slight pout from him.

"Let's eat," you showed your plate and started eating what was served by the waiters.

Some video clips played on the screen to keep guests entertained while enjoying the meal prepared and you were focused on looking at the video.

It showed some pictures from a few years back that you had never known since you joined the company recently and you sometimes laughed when you saw how young Jeonghan was.

He looks better then and now.

"What?" You caught Jeonghan staring while you were looking at the screen.

"Is there something wrong?" You frowned and looked at the dress. Maybe you spilt something on yourself.

"Let's get out of here," he holds your hand with a small smile.


"Do you want to stay here longer?" He then looks at you back weird.

"It's not that," you were trying to arrange your words in your head.

"Tell me what you're thinking," he leaned closer and paid attention to you. There might be people watching but he couldn't care less.

"I bought this dress to wear to this dinner and it is expensive," you said and looked at the dress.

He smiled and stood up.

"Wait here for a while okay?" Without waiting for your reply, he walks away and you look at him walking toward Mr Kim and he whispered something to him.

Did he walk away in the middle of your conversation?

"Come on," he offered his hand suddenly for you to stand.

You sighed and took it before leaving the hall with him. Some of the staff bowed to him as you both walked and he stopped in front of the elevator.

"Are we not going home?" He stayed quiet until the door opened, and he pulled you inside while you were still confused.

"You'll see. Also, I never said we'll go home though," he stroked your cheeks and the elevator stopped at the 17th floor.

He then pulled you along the hall until you reached a room and he swiped the card to open the door.

Your mouth was agape at the huge suite he brought you in. It was so spacious and comfortable.

"Why are we here?" You turned around to him and watched as he took off his coat and placed it on the couch before slowly walking towards you.

"Are you pretending not to know?" He asked with his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek as he awaited your answer and at the same time, his fingers worked to loosen the tie on his neck.

You step backwards at his steps to you until your back hits the wall, making no way to escape him.

"No?" You said nervously.

"I told you to buy the dress and be pretty for me, so you don't have to show people. That is for me," Jeonghan leaned in to kiss you and broke the space between you by crashing his lips onto yours making you drop your clutch to the floor.

Your tongue slipped into his mouth at the kiss that made him out of breath. He feels your warm tongue against him and he pulls away for a second, taking a deep breath.

"You're beautiful tonight, do you know that?" His hands rubbed up and down your sides and your fingers pulled the hairs on the back of his head. 

Your hand then wanders to his chest, and right there you can feel his fast heartbeat.

"Jeo..Jeonghan," you moaned breathlessly as Jeonghan sucked the skin on your neck. Surely those love bites would leave bruises. His hand slid upwards to slip your dress off your shoulder nonchalantly.

"We don't have clothes to go back tomorrow," you murmured, chest rapidly rising and falling.

"I took care of it, don't worry," he smirks and something is processing in your head while he was still peppering kisses all over you.

"Don't tell me you planned this since the beginning," you asked the thought that came to your head and he smirked and ran his fingers up and down your folds over the panties that started to get wet from how soaked you were.

"What can I say? The moment you stood up in that dress," he paused for a moment before putting more pressure which has your breath hitching and pressing yourself into him firmer.

"All I think about is being inside you baby,"

You whine aloud, having it echoing around the room and only furthering Jeonghan's arousal, making him harder by the second, as you start shifting and squirming because of the exposure.

You slump against him, eyes never leaving him as your right hand shoots up, grabbing onto Jeonghan's forearm with whines never stop leaving your mouth and your fingernails digging into his arms.

"Just let me fuck you already,"

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now