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"It's beautiful," you look at the view laid in front of your eyes in awe.

"I thought you might want to see the sunset. It would be wrong to bring you here only for work,"

Your heart skipped a beat of the thought Jeonghan wanted to go here because of you.

"Do you want ice cream?" He pointed at a vendor who's selling ice cream at the beach.


He guessed the flavor of ice cream that you wanted, and you nodded at him, and both of you walked together to the vendor.

"Let's walk there," he nudged you to the shore while having his ice cream.

"But we'll get our pants wet,"

You disagreed with his idea.

"Then fold it,"

He handed you his ice cream for you to hold and bent to fold your pants to your shins. You're unable to react and process what he was doing.

"See? Now we can walk," he grinned, and both of you took off your shoes and placed them far from the shore so it wouldn't get wet from the water.

"This feels good," you said while feeling the warm sand as you walk and hearing the sound of crashing waves.

"It does, and it was better because I'm walking with you," he replied, which made you look at him with a cringe face.

"Shut up, that's too cheesy," you laughed while hitting his shoulder, which made him laugh too.

"I'm not joking. I used to come here alone whenever I have work," he paused his words before continuing. It's not Jeonghan's first time coming here.

"But now I have a friend to work with me and come with me to the place that I love," he smiled at you when he finishes his sentence.

"I'm happy to accompany you here," you smiled back.

"Want to dip our feet in the water?" He suggested while looking at his feet.

You agreed to his suggestion, and you both walked closer to the water until you felt the waves crashing at your legs and the sand squishing between your toes.

You turn to look at Jeonghan, who's giggling. At this exact moment, you loved the view. The view of the person who always managed to win your heart gleaming under the yellowish-red sun.

It was just as breathtaking as the view of the sunset.

It was just as breathtaking as the view of the sunset

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Imagine walking at the beach with this Jeonghan☹️💕

You were staring at him until his eyes were also fixed to you. He walks a few steps closer to you, which made you confuse at what he was doing.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now