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A few years later...
(It has a few time skips because the main part of the story is during their adult phase)

You look into the mirror and apply some light makeup. While using the eyeliner, you look at your wristwatch to make sure you're not late to meet Isabell.

It's been more than a year since you last saw her, and you can't wait to spend some time with her. Both of you were pretty busy, but that didn't stop you from contacting each other.

But hearing her voice from the phone is just not enough. You wanted to meet her. You missed your college years with all your friends.

Having the thought of your college years reminded you of someone, but you immediately shook it off. It's better not to remember.

After putting on your earrings, you grab your handbag and left your apartment, and drove to the cafe where you both promised to meet.

"Isabell!" You called out to her as soon as you saw her stepped into the cafe.

"Y/n oh my goddd I miss you so so much," both of you squealed and hug each other.

"Me too! Sit down," you showed the seat in front of you, and she catches up her breath. You called the waiter to order food for both of you.

"How you've been?" You asked her as soon as the waiter left with your orders.

"I'm still like this, but pregnancy is killing me," she showed her now visible bump on her tummy.

She married Seungcheol last year, and they will have their first baby in a few months. You're glad your best friend ended up with the right guy. Who knew the blind date worked, and both of them ended up with marriage.

"Wait till your baby comes out. I'll be the spoiling aunt," you said excitedly.

"Or you could spoil your kid y/n," she said and took a sip of her watermelon juice.

"I'm lost for a second. I thought you're the one who's pregnant here?" You frowned in confusion. She sighed when you're too slow to get her hint.

"Y/n, we're both at the same age, I'm married, I'm having a kid, don't you think it's time for you to do that too? I want my kid to make friends with yours," she said, and you finally get what she meant.

"I do not think that far Isabell, I need to make my career stable first," you gave the same answer you usually gave to people who always asked about your relationship status.

"Are you sure it's about your career and not about Jeonghan?" She replied, which makes you look at her.

"Why is this about him?" You asked her back.

"Please, you can't fool me, you've been on dates y/n, tons of dates, but none of them work," she rolled her eyes, knowing that you can't lie to her.

"It's because they're not my taste," you replied.

"No, it's because your taste is Jeonghan," Isabell keeps on pushing it back to you. Well, it's true, though. Jeonghan is 100% your taste.

"Have you ever met him? Since graduation day?" The question given to you made you sighed.

"No, I haven't. He didn't even come to the reunion," you shook your head slowly, feeling a little bit sad inside. You're the one who didn't want any ties with him but not knowing how he is made you sad. He could've at least give you a call and tell you how he's doing.

"You know what? If he's meant for you, no matter how hard it is, you will meet him, trust me," Isabell caressed your hands and hold them tightly.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now