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Your sleep was bothered by the sound of a phone ringing, and you immediately knew that it wasn't yours.

"Jeonghan your phone," you lazily tapped his chest and he didn't budge.

Jeonghan is not the hard type to wake up, but both of you kept going on last night for god knows how long, and it made you both tired.

Both of you missed each other too much.

The phone rang again, and you groaned against the pillow.

"Answer the call," you shake his body harder this time, and he is half-conscious.

"What?" He frowned after hearing his phone ringing before grabbing it and was confused seeing the caller's name.

"Shua?" His brain started working, and something came to his mind.

His eyes widened in realisation, and he immediately sat on the bed.

"What day is today?" He was panicking and checked the calendar.

"Shit!" He rushed to wear his shorts, and all the commotion made you unable to continue sleeping.

"What's wrong?" You rubbed your eyes and looked at him, who was wearing his clothes.

"It's Shua and Cheol,"

"Let me grab my clothes," you wanted to reach for your clothes on the floor, but Jeonghan stopped you.

"There's no time, three calls, and if I don't pick up they'll-" His words were cut off by Cheol's voice.

"Yoon Jeonghan! You weren't answering our call!" You can hear them in the living room.

"Just go back to sleep okay?" He kissed your forehead before properly covering your body with the blanket.

He rushed to the bedroom door, and just as he thought, as soon as he opened it, the two were standing in front.

"Guys! You're early," he smiled and tried to block their view from looking inside.

"It's already 9.30 in the morning," Joshua looked at his watch, and somehow his eyes shifted to a figure on his best friend's bed inside the bedroom.

"Nothing to see here," Jeonghan quickly closed the door, and both frowned at their friend's suspicious behaviour.

"Who's that?" Cheol asked and Jeonghan quickly shook his head.


"Your one-night stand, or did you finally get over y/n?" Joshua smirks but deep inside if Jeonghan finally managed to get over you, he is relieved.

"Why don't you guys go home now?" Jeonghan tried to give them a hint and didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.

"We understand you want some privacy," Seungcheol tapped his shoulders and smiled.

"Goodbye Jeonghan's new girlfriend. We'll introduce ourselves properly next time," Seungcheol said over the door, which you heard and giggled.

"I'll see you guys next time. You better not say anything funny in the group chat," Jeonghan sends both his friends out the door.

"What are you going to do if we do?" Joshua teased.

"You little shitheads," just as he was about to do something, they both ran out the door while laughing.

"Don't come on Saturdays anymore!" He shouted to them and went back inside the house.

"What was that about?" You asked Jeonghan right as he entered the bedroom.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now