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Unedited: do comment if there is any unclear parts or grammatical error thank you :)


"We're here!" You exclaimed after opening the door to the resort room.

You booked a room at a 5-star resort near the beach for the staycation with Jeonghan.

"The view is beautiful," you inhaled the fresh air surrounding you but yelped when Jeonghan suddenly carried you bridal style into the room.

"Is this necessary?" You asked him with a giggle.

"I'm just feeling the moment," he said and kissed your cheeks. He walks to the bed and lays you down slowly before hovering over you.

It was quite a tense moment when you saw how his eyes kept staring into yours.

"Let's order room service and watch a movie! I'm so hungry," You patted his chest and moved away quickly. Being under him suffocates you and god knows what his next move is.

You called the room service to order dinner for both of you and turned on the tv while waiting for the food to arrive. Both of you didn't say anything and looked at the tv quietly.

Your eyes are focused on the movie, but your mind is not. You can feel Jeonghan's eyes looking at you but you didn't look at him back. Instead, you pretend to enjoy the movie.

Right now, you don't know whether they were so late in preparing your food or time is moving too slow because you were feeling cold sweats trickling beside your face.

"Why are you so far from me?" You were gulping at the sudden question.

"Am I?" You pretended to look at the space between you two. You were both sitting end to end

"Come here," he patted the seat next to him on the couch but you stayed still, resulting in him shuffling next to you.

"Are you feeling hot?" He leans toward you and you fan yourself using your hands from how close he radiates his heat to you.

"Yeah I think the a/c is not functioning,"

"That's weird because I'm shivering from the coldness," he rubs his arms to show he is cold and leans more toward you.

"Probably I need to be warmed up," he said in a low voice. His eyes were already looking at your lips.

Both of your lips are only a few inches away but the knocking sound on the room door made him pull away from you immediately.

"Room service!"

"I'll get those," you smiled and quickly walked to the door.

That was close.


"It's still early to go to bed," you look at the time and then at Jeonghan, who is looking at you and biting his lower lip.

"Let's have some wine," you pulled his arm to sit on the couch with you.

You poured the wine into the two glasses and took one before swirling it a few times.

Taking a sip of it with a sigh after how good it tasted. Your attempt to make the second sip halted when your eyes met your boyfriend's eyes, which had been attached to your figure since the beginning.

"Do you have something to say?" As of waiting for those words to come out of your mouth, he turned his body to face yours.

"Can we do something together?" He smirks at you, which makes you hesitant to reply but you give out a safe answer.

"If it's doable, then why not?"

"I have two requests," he showed his two fingers and stood up to take something.

"One," he returned to you and gave you a blue paper bag.

You grabbed it and he gestured for you to look inside.

You cannot believe your eyes at the piece of clothing inside it.

"Jeonghan you did not!" You take the clothing to look at it properly and look at him in disbelief.

"When did you even buy this?"

"That's not important," he walks forward and bends his body to your height.

"I'm embarrassed," your face feels hot and you hide your face behind your hands.

He leaned forward and placed both his hands beside you, making no way for you to escape.

"I miss seeing my girlfriend being sexy," his voice turns low and you cannot utter a single word.

"Come on, go try it on,"

"I'm sure you will look stunning just like I imagined," he trailed those words as he gave your neck a few light kisses.

You almost moaned at his kisses but he pulled away from you momentarily.

"I'm not forcing you though. We can go to bed if you're tired," he smiled softly and caressed your cheeks.

"What's with the assumption?" You asked and tilted your head to the side as you asked him. He looked down at you and waited for your answer.

"I'll wear it," you exhaled and he was standing in front of you again before his finger lifted your chin to get you to look up at him.

"I'll be waiting," he leaned and gave a kiss to your lips to which you responded but then leaned more into him this time. You wanted him.

He pulled away and you knew you shouldn't drag this too long if you wanted him quick. You took the paper bag and went to the bathroom to get change.

"I'm naked," you said after looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror wearing the lingerie Jeonghan gave you.

You need to admit you do look sexy wearing the matching piece of black silk thong and bra which didn't cover much of your body and was completed by a sexy garter belt that he chose.

The lingerie highlighted your best features and the overall piece was a feast for the eyes of anyone watching.

Judging by the comfortable material, you knew he does spend a good amount of money on these.

"Fuck what should I do?" You leaned onto the sink counter and tried to think of something. The thought of bailing came to you after thinking about the embarrassment that would come after.

"Stay here until morning?" Your first idea came out.

"But I want him," you pouted at the thought of being taken by him. After a long thought, you decided to go through everything. The embarrassment will be just a moment.

You put on a satin robe that came with the lingerie set so that you didn't feel too exposed.

"Deep breaths, y/n. You can do this," you closed your eyes for a few seconds and peeked at the door. You sprayed on some perfume before holding the door knob.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now