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Unedited: do comment if there is any unclear parts or grammatical error thank you :)


You yawned and stretched your body before your eyes fluttered open to notice you were alone, snuggled in the sheets. You turned around and saw Jeonghan is at the balcony talking on the phone with someone.

You sighed before lying on your stomach, observing him. He looks goddamn good shirtless and only in his sweatpants hanging low on his waist.

He hung up on the phone and entered the bedroom, only to notice you were already awake. You smiled at him who was walking towards you.

"Good morning," you greeted and opened both your arms wide to have a hug from him.

He leaned down and kissed your lips before stroking your hair.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" You nodded wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down for another kiss. You'll never get enough of him.

"I ordered us room service for breakfast. They should be here soon," he said after standing straight from your morning make-out session.

"Okay," you answered shortly but your fingers were teasingly tracing his stomach and playing with the waistband of his sweatpants.

"Don't do this to me, or I will crave something else," he bends down to look at you and you giggle as if last night wasn't enough.

You didn't remember what time both of you had slept last night, but it was sure enough to give you a sore body this morning.

"I'm cold," you pouted at him and he grabbed his shirt from yesterday on the floor.

"Here, let's put on a shirt for you," he wears you his soft shirt and takes a few steps back to take in your figure.

He always had a thing for you wearing his shirt, especially after you were together.

He was about to say something but there was a knock on the door and immediately he walked away to get it and you sighed in disappointment. You were expecting some praise from him.

"Hi, sorry I'm late," you heard a woman's voice from the front and you reached out to take your panties from the floor before walking to the dining area.

The girl was putting the plates of food Jeonghan ordered on the table. You look at how the girl is looking at Jeonghan as he is pouring coffee into two cups which you knew was for you and him.

"Let me," he took the pot from Jeonghan's hand and you clearly saw how she brushed her hands against his. It made your blood boil.

"Baby," you called him as you walked towards them and hugged him, which made him automatically wrap his arm around your waist.

"I'm hungry," you pouted and pretended just to see the girl inside the room.

"Thank you for bringing the food. We'll call you back to take the plates," you smiled fakely and waved her goodbye. Her face turned sour, opposite from when he was flirting with Jeonghan earlier.

Right after she closed the door, you pushed Jeonghan away and sat down on the chair.

"Bitch," you mumbled and took a sip of your coffee. Jeonghan was studying your sudden changed behavior.

"Are you jealous of her?" That question made you scoff and give him a sharp glare.

"Are you out of clothes?" You asked sarcastically and hit the table with your palms while standing up. You lost your appetite.

It might be a good time to have a shower now. Without wasting time, you walk to the bedroom and Jeonghan chases you.

"Baby," he tried to hug you but you pushed him away.

"Don't baby me," you punched his bare chest and he grabbed your waist before pulling you close to him, hugging you tightly to make sure you couldn't run away. He chuckled looking at your angry face.

"You're so cute when you're jealous," he gave kisses to your neck to try to make you smile.

"So so beautiful," he strokes your hair and swings you from side to side, making sure you're relaxed and at ease. He had you wrapped around his fingers and knew exactly how to calm you down.

"You're the only woman in my heart," he kisses your lips after saying those words and you blush.

"Whatever, let's have breakfast," you pushed him away and sat back down on the chair. Sipping the coffee and eating the toast in a better mood. Jeonghan, on the other hand seems pretty distracted.

He places down his toast and looks at you.

"So I have a pretty bad news," he can't seem to meet your eyes and you squinted at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't make me feel anxious," your heart was beating fast, and you were not sure if you were ready to hear the news from him.

"I need to fly to Maldives tonight," his sentence made you freeze.

"There's a sudden meeting and I need to be there," he finished his sentence full of guilt.

"It's just for one day. Can't you go tomorrow?" You asked him back, feeling hopeful. He stood up and kneeled down beside you.

"I want to baby but it's really important and I need to go to the meeting as soon as I get there," he explained while holding your hand.

"But we're having this staycation," you said, almost inaudible and disappointed.

"I'm so so sorry," he took your hand and kissed you but you didn't budge. Jeonghan is beginning to panic with how you're reacting.

"I'll make it up to you as soon as I get home," he added and looked at you who was staring down. You sighed and looked at his face.

"How long?" You asked, unable to start a fight since it is not his fault.

"Three days," you nodded and stood up before walking to the balcony. Not sure how you're plan was ruined overnight.

"Y/n," Jeonghan came from behind and hugged your waist.

"I'm sorry, I tried to change the schedule but I can't," he kissed your shoulder and rested his chin after.

"I'm so sorry baby," he was feeling guilty. You knew and there is no way you can be mad at him. It would be so unfair if you did.

"You better prepare for another staycation when you're back," you said, not looking at him, but he laughed and hugged you tightly.

"It's my first business trip without you after we started dating. I'll miss you," he turns you around to face him and tucks your hair behind your ear that was blown by the wind.

To think that this will be the first time you will be separated from Jeonghan without sleeping with each other side by side in bed since you dated makes it hard. You would follow him if it weren't for your job.

"I'll miss you more," you pouted and hugged him, resting your head on his chest and closing your eyes.

You'll miss Jeonghan so much.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now