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It's been two weeks since you become Jeonghan's secretary and to be honest, you liked it. Handling his meetings was not hard, and he also helps you a lot to get you to use it.

You thought he would be the typical boss that wanted everything right at his fingertips, but he's pretty independent.

Jeonghan was professional in working because he didn't treat you like his friend during work hours.

But you haven't spoken to him anything except for work over the past week, and you know you need to talk to him. He's your best friend.

Although your mind says no to what he did, your heart said the opposite. You thought working with him would be hectic, but it's not.

You get to go home on time. You have time to relax which was never the case when you were at the data analytics department.

You sighed and prepared some documents that needed Jeonghan's approval. After stacking them, you knocked on his door and opened it.

"These are the documents that you need to sign for approval, Mr. Yoon," you placed the documents in front of him on the table.

"Alright, thank you, I'll call you back when I'm done with it," he nodded and continued typing on the computer with a frown.

You stood there feeling hesitant while looking at him. Jeonghan finally noticed that you were still there after a few seconds.

"Is that all?" He stopped doing his work and looks at you.

"Umm, actually," you're fidgeting with your fingers.

Should you ask him?

"Do you have something to say to me?" He asked you.

"Do you want to have lunch with me?" You can feel yourself being so small in front of him. Why are you feeling like you're asking him out for a date?

"Don't you usually have lunch with your friends?" He frowned and looks at you, and at that exact moment, you felt guilty since you use to remember that both of you used to have lunch together.

He even once brought food to you himself and ate with you.

"Yes, but I want to talk to you over some things," you replied, feeling a cold sweat trickling down your face.

"Is it about work?" He asked you.


Is he questioning why you want to have lunch with him? Are you both being strangers now?

"Alright, sure, you can decide where you want to eat," he smiled and continue to do his work.

You went out of his office and leaned against the closed door, putting a hand on your chest.

"God, that was so nerve-wracking,"


"So, what do you want to talk about?" Jeonghan asked you while opening the wrap of his sandwich.

You decided to have lunch at subway because you were craving their meatball sandwich for a while now.

(it feels like a sponsored kdrama by subway)

"Nothing just wanted to have lunch with you. We haven't had lunch together for a long time," you shrugged and took a bite of your sandwich.

Jeonghan puts down his sandwich and looks at you.

"Are you sure that's the reason?" He questioned you when you're avoiding his gaze.

After being defeated by his intense stare, you sighed.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now