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You entered the office feeling excited today. Both you and Jeonghan got back from Maldives yesterday, and he gave you permission to come to the office after lunch hour.

There's no rush in getting ready to go to work like you usually do, and you loved it. You even went to a Starbucks drive-thru and get americano which was his favorite coffee, and also for you, a caramel macchiato.

You came to the office earlier than you should because you wanted to drink coffee with him.

"Look at you, feeling all happy," YeJin teased you after walking into their department.

"Miss me?" You giggled before hugging them both.

"Are you and Mr. Yoon dating now?" Mina guessed, and you frowned.

"Is there no better question to ask? And no, we're not,"

"But soon you will," both of them teased you.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, I'll get going first," you waved them goodbye and head towards Jeonghan's office upstairs.

You put down your things on your desk except for the coffee and knock on Jeonghan's door.

"Hey, I bought your favorite-" your words were stopped at the sight of a girl who you never knew sitting and giggling on his lap at the office chair.

"Y/n," Jeonghan was startled seeing you, and he immediately pushes the girl off him before standing straight.

You don't know how to react. Everything seems to stop, and you feel weak to your knees. You just stared at both him and the girl, feeling clueless all over.

"I umm..I'm sorry, I'll come back later," you excused yourself from the room. It feels wrong being in there just looking at him. Jeonghan didn't waste any time and chased you.

You grabbed your purse and laptop before heading towards the elevator to go down.

"Y/n wait, I can explain," he grabbed your hand, and you pulled it from his grip.

"It's okay, Jeonghan. You don't have to explain anything,"

"Y/n, I'm sorry you shouldn't see that-"

"Well, I shouldn't come in, right?" You said sarcastically.

The elevator arrived, and the door opened. Luckily it was empty just like you hope it would be.

"It's not like that-"

"I'll get going. I need a day off," you muttered and pushed the coffee at him before entering the empty elevator. Your watery eyes didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Y/n," Jeonghan was about to enter with you, but you stopped him.

"Please don't follow me. I need space. Alone,"

"Fuck," Jeonghan cursed, rubbing his face with his palm when he knew how terrible he messed things up.

As soon as the elevator's door is closed, all the tears that you hold stream down your cheeks.


You were spacing out in the dark living room, sitting on the couch alone. Your eyes were puffy, and your nose is red, all from crying.

For the past three days, you skipped work and couldn't get a better composure of yourself.

You turn off your phone since you needed time alone without getting disturbed by anyone. You spend your time on the couch with the lights off and eat only small bites of food.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now