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Unedited: do comment if there is any unclear parts or grammatical error thank you :)


"So, anything interesting happening at the data analytics department?" You grinned at your two best friends.

"Look at her teasing us. We know you're happy working as the boss's PA and part-time girlfriend," YeJin said and rolled her eyes.

"You're wrong YeJin. It's work as girlfriend and part-time PA," Mina continued and both of them laughed.

It was funny to them but it was not too funny for you. It felt like you didn't do any work just because you're Jeonghan's girlfriend.

It wasn't the first time you heard people talking about it. Some say you seduced the boss to get the position and more worst comments.

"Alright, I'm sorry," you said with an apologetic face.

They both realized the tension they built up for teasing you, not knowing you would take it seriously.

"Sorry, y/n we're just joking. Nothing fun, but there's a new guy who just entered to replace you," Mina tried to bring the mood again but you decided not to take the joke to heart.

"Oh wow, nobody took my spot ever since I left?" It suddenly made you surprised as you know that.

"We got your works y/n," YeJin showed to themselves and you giggled.

"Oops, I'll buy you guys lunch as an apology,"

"We wouldn't reject," Mina showed two thumbs up but YeJin was wondering.

"What if Mr. Yoon wants to have lunch with you?" You brushed her off at the question.

"I'll handle him, don't worry,"

You then look at your watch and realize there are a few things you need to settle.

"I'll better get going. See you guys at lunch," you waved them goodbye and headed out from their department to go to Jeonghan's office.

You were getting a phone call in your pocket and you tried to reach it. It must be Jeonghan.

That guy would be calling until you pick up when you were out of his sight. Looking at the caller proved your guess was correct.

As you were about to answer the call, your shoulder hit someone and papers fell to the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry," you quickly apologized.

"No, it's fine," a guy's voice replied and you helped him pick up the papers on the floor.

You handed him the papers and noticed he was an unfamiliar face.

"You must be the new staff everyone is talking about," you guessed and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm Park Jae Soo," he offered a handshake and you grabbed it.

"I'm y/n," you smiled at the introduction.

"Pretty name for a pretty lady," he smirked and was holding your hand a little too long and his stare made you uncomfortable.

You pulled your hand away and excused yourself.

"I'm going to go first then. Nice to meet you,"

He was weird.


You were walking with Mina and YeJin into the company's lobby but your eye caught Jeonghan sitting at the main lobby's couch.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now