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Both of you ended up falling asleep again after cuddling with each other since you and him were tired from last night.

You stared at Jeonghan, who's sleeping soundly with an arm secured around your waist, making sure you're not going anywhere.

Slowly, you lifted his arm to get up but was pulled by him back onto the bed as you were about to grab the clothes from the floor.

"Where are you going? Don't leave me," Jeonghan asked while nuzzling into the crook of your neck, which made a giggle left your mouth.

"I'm going to the kitchen to make you breakfast," you paused and looked at the time.

"Late breakfast to be precise,"

"Give me a few minutes and I'll go to the kitchen," He stretched his body on the bed before rubbing his eyes with a pout.

You smiled and shook your head, knowing that he's tired because it was visible from his barely open eyes.

"It's fine, just sleep Jeonghan," you kissed his cheeks before putting on clothes and walk out of the room.

You roam around the house since it was your first time being there. Jeonghan's house was a combination of simple and modern, but he decorated it making the whole place feels cozy, suiting his personality. You got to admit, despite being a CEO of a company, he did an excellent job in keeping the house clean.

The sound of your stomach rumbling makes your feet direct their way to the kitchen. You opened his refrigerator, and your eyes widen at the empty sight except for a few bottles of mineral water and milk.

You then walked to the cabinets and were welcomed with the same sight, empty. The only food placed on the upper shelf in the cabinet that you saw was a box of cereal and some packs of ramen.

"What does he eat every day?" You mumbled to yourself and tiptoed to reach the cereal on the shelf.

Jeonghan smirked, walking into the kitchen with a sight of you tiptoeing to grab something from his shelf wearing only his white shirt from last night that stops at your thigh.

A pair of arms snaked around your waist stopped you from reaching the food, and his face rested on your shoulder.

"No wonder my shirt was gone," he said before giving a kiss on your shoulder.

"Sorry, I don't want to wear my dress so early in the morning,"

"It's okay baby. I love seeing you in it. You look cute and sexy," he whispered into your ears in a deep voice before giving kisses to your neck.

You turn around, looking at a messy hair Jeonghan, showing that it was apparent he just woke up from his bed and softly caressed his cheeks.

"Did you rest enough? You look tired,"

He smiled and took both of your hands before giving the back of it each a light peck.

"I'm fine. I got my energy from here," he then leaned forward and brushed his nose with yours.

"I want to eat," you pointed at the cereal box on the shelf that you cannot reach earlier, and Jeonghan quickly grabs it for you with one hand.

He took out the milk from the refrigerator and grabbed two small bowls with spoons.

"Let's eat," he placed both of the bowls filled with cereals on the dining table and you walked to sit at the chair in front of him.

"I wanted to make something for you, but there is nothing," you said, looking at the cereal and took a bite of it.

"I usually order food, so that's why my house is pretty empty,"

Of course he would. He's a single man living alone.

You finished your cereal in a few minutes, but your stomach is still hungry. You look at Jeonghan, hoping that he would stop looking at his phone and noticed that you wanted more food.

Which he did. He glanced at you while finish chewing his last bite of food and immediately knew that you wanted something.

"You want me to order food?" He guessed, and you nodded a lot of times.

"Yes, please,"

"Give me a second," he then ordered the food on his phone and showed you the screen that shows that the order has been placed.

"The food will be delivered in a few minutes,"

You grinned and Jeonghan stands up before sticking out his hand to you.

"I want to show you something," you didn't say much and grabbed his hand. He brings you to a room that you didn't saw when you were looking around earlier.

He proudly smiled after opening the door.

"You did this?" You were impressed with the number of legos displayed in the room, and there were also some legos on the floor which is not yet done build.

"Found something to do when I'm bored during the weekends,"

You walked to a piece of lego displayed on the shelf because it looks so familiar to you.

"Isn't this..?"

You pointed to the car and tried to remember where have you seen it and Jeonghan chuckled.

"My car,"

"What a cute hobby you have," you giggled at the cute new fact of Jeonghan that you just found out.

"It's not cute!" He protested and tried to figure out a word that is suitable for him.

"It''s productive!"

You laughed at the word and at the sour face he showed.

"Sure hannie, building legos are not cute and productive,"

He walked to you and huffed before circling his arms around you.

"But I found a new hobby now,"

You stopped laughing and try to listen to what he was about to say next.


He leans closer and presses his lips to yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss.

He pulled off after hearing the doorbell rang.

"That must be the food, let me get it, can't have the delivery guy looking at you like this,"

He then walked to the door to take the food and you stayed in the room, still looking around at all his legos.

After getting out of the room, you wanted to walk to the dining table, but instead, you saw Jeonghan was still at the door.

"Jeonghan? Who is it?"

You asked him but heard him talk to the other person as you walked closer.

"Can you please go home?" Jeonghan sighed and rubbed his temple in frustration.

You stood beside him, only to be invited with the girl you saw the other day sitting on Jeonghan's lap in the office.

"Who's this?" The girl asked Jeonghan in rage.

"Can you just stop giving me headaches and go home, Yerin?" Jeonghan said almost in a forced tone.

"I'm telling dad!" The girl then stormed away while stopping her feet in anger.

He closed the door and looked at your confused face.

"Everything I said might sound like an excuse and I can't afford to lose you now," he holds both of your hands, searching for the correct words.

"We'll stop at your apartment after breakfast. Pack clothes for an overnight sleepover okay?"

"Are we going somewhere?" You suddenly felt nervous with was going on.

"I'm clearing things up for us,"

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now