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Unedited: do comment if there are any unclear parts or grammatical errors. Thank you :)


A few months back...

You drank your fifth glass for the night while losing yourself to the music blasting loudly.

"Fuck breakups,"

Crying on the bed for a few days has made you lose yourself, and finally today, you decided to let your sadness go.

You kept dancing and drinking the whole night with random strangers until you felt tired and sat on a couch around the club.

You wanted to go home, so you took out your phone and pressed a number.

"I want to go homeee! Please pick me upp," you said into the phone while giggling.

"Y/n? Are you drunk?" Jeonghan asked you as he could hear the loud music behind you.

"I'm drunk? I don't know," you look around the club, and your hands reach for another glass.

"I'll come there now," he ended the call and immediately went to where you were.

After the incident of the last time where he picked you up drunk from the club, he turned on your find my phone tracker so he could know where to find you if the same thing happened again.

Well, it did happen again.

You passed out on the couch until someone shook your body.

"Y/n wake up. You can't sleep here," your eyes tried focusing on your surroundings until you squinted to look at the person in front of you.

"Jeonghan? Is that you?" You asked and slumped back into the seat.

"Come on, we need to get you home," he offered his hand but you huffed.

"No! I don't want to go home with you!"

He needs to be gentle, or you will not come with him.

"You said earlier you wanted to go home," he strokes your hair and you shake your head.

"Not yet! I want to danceee," you stood up and held onto Jeonghan since you can't stand properly.

"I'll let you dance for a little more, and we'll get you home okay?" You nodded and walked to the dance floor with him behind you. He was worried any guy would take advantage of your condition.

You danced and jumped to the music, although your moves were messy. You screamed out your lungs and jumped until you almost tripped, but luckily Jeonghan caught you.

"Careful," he reminded and you hugged him.

"I'm so sad my ex-boyfriend dumped me," you mumbled to his chest. Jeonghan didn't say anything and let you pour out everything.

It must be hard on you as it is for him.

"I loved him so much," you said and your eyes were teary.

"He loved you too," Jeonghan said and was hesitant to hug you back.

"He did not!" You pulled away momentarily and leaned your face close to him.

"You're handsome," you said sheepishly and cupped his cheeks.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" You pulled him close to you but before you could do anything, you let him go and passed out on his chest.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now