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Unedited: do comment if there are any unclear parts or grammatical errors. Thank you :)


"I'm home!" You said and entered the home excitedly to see Jeonghan, but the house was so quiet that all you could hear was your voice.

"Oh, that's right he's at the office," you look at the time and pout.

"I'll also need to go to work soon. Better get ready," you went to the bedroom and started unpacking your clothes from your suitcase. After picking out your outfit for work, you freshen yourself in the bathroom.

You hear your phone ring that is charging beside the bed when you're drying your hair with a hair dryer.

"Coming!" You ran while fixing the towel on your body and answered a video call from Jeonghan.

"Hello," you waved at him and he blinked a few times, looking at you and loosening his tie.

"Look at you," he bit his lip and leaned closer to the screen.

"Are you trying to bring me home?" You rolled your eyes at his remark.

"I'm getting ready to go to the office soon Jeonghan,"

"You're going to work?" He looks at his watch to see the time.

"Yup," what can you do? Work never ends.

"Will you get home late?"

"I don't think so. Maybe back around 6?" You said and he smiled.

"Great. I'll see you soon then,"


You yawned as you pressed the passcode to the house door. It was a very tiring day and you can't wait to get to bed.

You stepped into the dark living room and pressed the light switch and were startled at a figure sitting on the couch.

"Oh my god!" You placed a hand on your chest, trying to calm yourself down.

"Jeonghan?" You look at him sitting while still in his work clothes.

"You scared me!" You walk over to him and sit beside him. He didn't utter a single word back to you.

"Did you just get back home?"

"I've been back since four y/n," he said after finally opening his mouth.

"I thought you said you'll be back by 6," your eyes widened. Shit. How can you forget?

"I did..something came out and.." you tried to answer but he cut you off.

"I wanted to bring you to a restaurant I've made a reservation,"

"I'm sorry..I-" you try to take his hand but he pulls away.

"Forget it," he went inside the bedroom and grabbed his towel to shower.

"Jeonghan!" You chased him but before you could do anything, he closed the bathroom door making no way for you to talk to him.

You went to the kitchen to make yourself some tea, the ones that Jeonghan usually made for you. You blamed yourself for forgetting what you said to him.

After finishing the tea, you went back inside the bedroom, hoping Jeonghan was done taking a shower and getting ready for bed. To your surprise, he was already sleeping in bed.

You climbed next to him and shook his arm.

"Jeonghan don't be mad. I'm sorry," you tap his arms a few times, but there is no response.

"It's my fault,"


"Wake up baby," you rubbed your eyes when you felt kisses on your nose.

"Jeonghan?" You rub your eyes and look at him who is sitting at the bedside. You looked at the wall clock and frowned when you saw the time. 4 am?

"Come on," he handed his arm and pulled you up to sit down.

"I want to bring you somewhere," he kissed the top of your forehead and stroked it a few times.

"I'll wait for you in the car. You don't need to get all dressed up," he left, leaving you still confused, but you did what he said. You washed your face and brushed your teeth before applying your morning skincare routine as fast as possible and went to the car where Jeonghan was waiting.

You were quiet all along, fidgeting with your fingers. Not sure what to say to him or what to do. You don't know if he's still mad from yesterday.

"The beach?" You asked him when he stopped the car and opened his seat belt.

"Come on, you'll see," he opens the door for you and before you can say anything, he closes your eyes with his hands.

"I'll guide you, don't worry," and you followed. You were overwhelmed with what he was planning.

"Surprise," he said and uncovered your eyes, and you gasped when you saw a set up of a small picnic in front of you.

The layout was so cute and you saw breakfast plates on a small table.

"You did this yourself? When?"

"While you're asleep," he smiled proudly and you quickly took off your shoes and went to sit on the mat.

"This is so cute," you quickly took out your phone and took photos of the foods and setup Jeonghan had prepared.

"Have a seat," you tap at the empty spot beside you for him to sit.

He sat down and handed you a bouquet which made you even more speechless. A sense of guilt crept inside of you. You don't deserve this from him.

"What's wrong? Are you still sleepy?" Jeonghan asked when he noticed that you were wandering off.

"No, but aren't you mad at me?" You brave yourself to ask him and he smiled.

"I am, but I love you more," he gave a peck on your lips and pulled you closer to him.

"I'm sorry," you said and he chuckled.

"It's okay baby. I'm also sorry I ignored you last night," he leans forward until your nose are touching each other and you pout.

"I missed you hugging me," and he hugs you tightly. You relaxed into his embrace and closed your eyes. You don't want to lose him.

"Turn around," he whispered into your ear.

"It's so beautiful," you gasped at the sunrise in front of you and immediately took photos of it.

Jeonghan suddenly placed a kiss on your cheeks which made you stop, and you turned to look at him.

"I love you," he fixes your hair and you peck his lips.

"I love you too Jeonghan,"

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now