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Unedited: do comment if there is any unclear parts or grammatical error thank you :)


"Oh my god I miss home so much!" You squealed in excitement in front of your house.

"I can't wait to show you my room," you turn to the side to look at Jeonghan but he is not there. You turn around and he isn't there.


You look back into the car and see he is still sitting in the driver's seat.

"Hannie what are you doing in there? Come out," you knocked on the mirror and he sighed before stepping out of the car.

"Babe, I don't feel good about this. Can we go home?" He took both of your hands and you looked at him. You can see how worried he was. The whole drive to your parent's house he is more quiet than usual.

"No, we're here already and relax. It is just a family dinner," you took his hands, trying to comfort him.

He doesn't reply but holds your hand tight and both of you walk to the door.

You knocked a few times and the face of your beloved mother greeted the door.

"Mom!" You hugged her tightly and gave her a hug for missing her more than you thought you would.

"Hi honey, you look so beautiful," she said after looking at you still in your work clothes. Not long after, your dad walks over to the door beside your mom.

"Jeonghan," your dad smiled at him and Jeonghan gave a bow.

"Good evening uncle and aunty,"

"You both must be tired from work. Have a seat. They're setting up the table," your mom invited you to come in and you wrapped your hands around Jeonghan's arm while walking in together.

"How's work for you two?" was the first question that your dad asked as you sat on the living room couch.

"It's the same I guess?" You replied, although you felt weirded out by the sudden question.

"Jeonghan's handling a project for the Bangkok launch soon," you pointed at quiet Jeonghan beside you when you remembered his current project.

"Are you always this busy?" It was as if he was asking it to Jeonghan but you decided to answer it for him.

"Not frequently is what I can say,"

Your dad nodded at your answer and you can suddenly feel an uneasy feeling. Maybe this is what Jeonghan is feeling. You squeezed Jeonghan's hand beside you without realizing it.

"So I have been meaning to discuss with you two about-" a sudden appearance cut off his words.

"Hi sorry I'm late," you grinned as you saw your brother.

"Kim Bum!" You hug him and he pats your hair.

"Hey lil sis," he saw Jeonghan before waving to him.

"Lil sis's boyfriend,"

"You didn't tell me you invited Kim Bum as well," you said to your parents.

"We were about to do that," your mom replied with a laugh.

"Madam, the table is ready," one of the house maids said to your mom.

"Let's continue the conversation at the dinner table," she gushed everyone to the dining table and started to eat the dinner prepared.

"What were you saying earlier dad?" You asked when you remembered the unfinished conversation.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now