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"Why are you looking so nervous?" You looked to your side and saw Jeonghan was restless.

"What if the shot is painful for Jeong Woo?" He keeps holding Jeong Woo's small arms with a worried face.

"He's a baby. He'll cry if it's painful,"

"My Jeong Woo is a brave boy right?" He said and kissed his cheeks a few times, which made the baby giggle.

The monitor called out your number, and you tapped on Jeonghan beside you.

"Come on, it's us," both of you entered the room and Jeonghan sat on the chair while holding Jeong Woo.

"Good afternoon doctor," you greeted the doctor you have visited every month.

"Mr and Mrs Yoon, how are you?"

"We're doing good," you smiled, and the male doctor smiled looking at Jeong Woo's wide grin.

He was old but you knew babies would be comfortable with him, including your son.

"Today I will be giving Jeong Woo a shot for polio," you nodded as you stared him write something on Jeong Woo's health book.

(A disclaimer! this is what I saw online so don't take things seriously. I don't have a kid and I don't know if it's true. This is a fanfic so go easy on me🙏🏻)

"Can you give him to the nurse first so we can take his weight?" The doctor said to Jeonghan and he obeyed by giving Jeong Woo to the nurse.

Your son is not a fussy baby, so checkups are easy for you and Jeonghan. The nurse then returned Jeong Woo to Jeonghan after taking his weight and height.

"So far, there is no problem and he is growing healthily as he should. Do you both have any concerns?" The doctor explains and after discussing some things about his growth, the last thing for the check-up is the shot.

"I'll give the shot now,"

"Does it hurt?" Jeonghan asked the doctor right when he was about to take the needle.

"I'm sorry?"

"I think Jeong Woo is a little scared," he showed Jeong Woo who was sitting comfortably on his lap.

"Don't worry Mr. Yoon, I'll be as gentle as possible," he assured Jeonghan, and when he wanted to give the shot, Jeonghan reacted by turning Jeong Woo away.

"Jeonghan, what are you doing?" You pushed him and felt embarrassed to the doctor.

"I'm sorry doctor, my husband's a little paranoid," you apologised and asked Jeonghan to stay still. It's not like he was the one getting injected.

"Let him give the shot," you said to Jeonghan and it took only a few seconds for the doctor to give the polio shot and your son didn't even cry or react.

"My Jeong Woo are you feeling alright? It hurts, does it? Dad got you," he rubs Jeong Woo's tiny arms and keeps comforting him as if the kid is having a tantrum.

"This is so embarrassing," you sighed to yourself.

"I'll have the nurse schedule your next visit," the doctor wrote up a few more notes and Jeonghan went out of the room first.

"Thank you so much, doctor and I'm sorry for my husband's behaviour," you apologised again for the inconvenience.

"No worries, I can see he is an excited father for his first child," he laughed, and you left the room to meet Jeonghan who was waiting for you.

365 days // Jeonghan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now