Chapter 4.

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello! Partner!" Jason's voice sounded through the phone.

"Jason? How did you get my number? I don't remember giving it to you" Irene asked confused and surprised at the sudden call.

"I asked Samuel" he answered.

"What? Why? Why did you bother him? He is sick you know?" She shouted through the phone to which Jason just lifted the phone away from his ear slightly.

"Are you done?" He finally asked after a moment of silence.

"Yes" she took a long breath and sighed.

"So anyway..... I called because of our project, if you haven't guessed it yet" Jason said getting right to the point.

" About that, we can meet after school if that's convenient for you" Irene proposed after giving it some thought.

"Hmm.... sounds good to me" he hummed in response.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow!" Quickly biding goodbye she hung up the phone before he got the chance to say anything else.


The Next Day

"Finally the end of another exhausting day" Irene came outside of the school and took a deep breath while stretching.
She gave a big smile looking towards the sky.

"Who are you smiling at?" Jason came from behind looking in the direction she was staring at, she jumped at the sudden closeness as his elbow rested on her shoulder.

He grinned at her, "what do you want?" She asked looking at him suspiciously.

"Are you always so forgetful or do just pretend so i have the idea that you never think about me when you are alone?" He looked at her smirking.

"You sure talk big of you despite the opposite size of what you have in your pants" she didn't realize until the words came out of her mouth, she internally cursed herself for speaking her mind out loud.

"Did you just?" Jason scoffed and pointed one finger at her, he then dramatically took a step back and put both his hands on his mouth in surprise.

"You did not just!" He stared in disbelieve.

"Just pretend you didn't hear it" she whispered slightly looking away.

"How can i pretend not to hear that!" He said still shocked, pressing the last word.

"I'm sorry it just came out, i wasn't thinking" she looked away, taking a deep sigh.

She started to move forward when suddenly from behind Jason came his lips slightly brushing her earlobe.

"By the way i can assure you that whatever is in inside my pants is enough to satisfy, love" as the words came out of his mouth, Irene halted at the whole exchange and Jason just kept walking smirking to himself.

He made her react to him, that was a step to his right direction.

"Are you gonna stand there imagining or are we gonna start?" He questioned to which Irene's fogged mind that was still in the past of few seconds thought different.

"Start?" She carefully asked.

"Our project! Ahh you are so dirty minded, little bear! I never would have known" he pulled a shocked expression and smirked at end.

"Just shut up! And don't give me any nick names!" She warned and shrugged as she brushed past him walking ahead.

He looked at the ground slightly tilting his head chuckling at what just happened. He enjoyed teasing her especially when she gave such great reactions.

After a while they both made it to the nearest cafe where they can sit and plan.
After taking seats facing eachother, Irene began.

"Okay, so we can meet after school whenever necessary it seems convenient to me, what do you say?" She said looking at him raising her eyebrows.

"It's okay but i think my place would be more peaceful" he again pulled that little teasing face at her.

"Jason! Please focus!" She said sternly.

"I was just kidding! But i am seriously suggesting meeting at your place or mine it's more comfortable to work, we will be able to access most of the resources easily" he sincerely answered, she admitted, he had a point.

"Okay. For today let's just make a list of researches we both can do and collect information, we can do some basic market research on our own and combine later to proceed further" she suggested.

"Sounds good" he hummed looking outside the window.

For a moment Irene didn't realize as she took a good look at his features for the first time. His focus gaze makes him really interesting, especially with those hazel eyes.

He turned as their order was called out, he stood up and went to take it. Irene looked at his figure as he looked back at her smiling slightly holding their cups in his hands.

He smiles with his eyes, she smiled taking notice to his small detail.

"There you go!" he handed the cup to her.

"Thank you" breaking out of her train of thoughts she focused her mind on the main reason they were here.

Taking a deep sigh she talked, "so that's that! You should know I'm not very good at math".

"Okay and?" He chuckled at her taking a sip of his coffee.

"But i am not stupid! I will need you to help with that part the most, just so we make no mistake" she sighed.

"Don't worry, we won't" he winked.

Irene shook her head at his usual behaviour of flirting, he makes everything sexual, this guy! She thought.

Just then her phone buzzed, she picked it up and pulled it close to her ear.

"Yes, ma?" She answered.

"Oh! I am outside with" she stared at Jason, he raised his eyebrow at her.

"With a classmate for some project" she completed her sentence to which Jason gave a dramatic reaction by putting his palm in front of his heart making a hurt expression on his face.

She just smiled at his silly reaction and continued listening to her mom through the phone.

"Okay i will be home soon then, bye ma!" She hung up.

"I will have to go now, have a nice day!" She started to get up.

"I can drive you back if you want" Jason followed after her.

"No it's okay! It's not even that late, i will be able to catch a bus" she gave him a sweet smile which caught him off guard, it was the first time she gave him a genuine smile.

It's like she is a different person after talking to her mom, he noticed even during her conversation she had such a happy expression on her face. She can be really pretty with that smile, he internally stated.

"Okay" he smiled waving her goodbye, she didn't saw him waving though, she turned walking towards the opposite direction. He just stood there smiling, he didn't even realize he was smiling, he was happy, maybe she is warming up to him, he liked that.


Author's Note:
Just a hint of coffee shop at the top.

Hope you are enjoying the story so far. It's my first time writing a story so bear with me.

Happy Reading!

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