I'm sorry

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The year 1865 (The year I was born)

They say the ocean is a beautiful and wonderful place, there's fish, water, and all sorts of beautiful things. Well I was born out of two worlds. One of sea and one of land. Yes, my mother was mermaid and my father, was human. And when my mother's betrothed found out, well they had her killed, not before she put me in a basket and sailed me to land. Hoping someone would take in a few day old halfling. And this is my story, and how I met the two loves of my life.

Third person POV
Jewel swam as fast as she could, she had no time to slow down. Knowing if she did, they would kill the both of them, she wanted her child to live, so she had to make the hardest decision in her life. Give her child up, and give her life up so her child could live. She was glad that her child could breathe underwater unlike her father, she had taken the gene from her. She was also glad that merfolk like her did not step on land, even if they did want to. The minute they step on land, their tails turn into feet. That's how she met Johnathan. Her child's father. But he was gone now, married and happily in love with another human. It broke her heart to know that the man she loved, loved another. But in their love making made something so precious to her. Her child. She did not want to give up her daughter, but she had no choice. She had to spare her daughters life for hers. Any mother would do this for their child. And she was willing to give up her life for her daughters.

So she swam and swam. Not caring that it was hurting her tail because she was going so fast. She had to reach the surface soon, before they find her. And if they do, they'll kill them both. So she swam to the surface and inhaled a gulp of fresh air as she thrust herself out of the water. She swam over to land, gently laying a made shift seaweed basket down on the sand. She laid her child down in the basket. She heard a coo and saw her daughters eyes looking into her own. Jewel gave her daughter a sad smile. She placed a soft kiss onto her daughters forehead. "I'm sorry my love. I do not wish to part from you, but I must, to protect you. I love you my daughter. My little Rosalyn. Goodbye my love", she whispered to her child. Laying one last love filled kiss to her daughters forehead. It hurt her to part from her child. But it was a must to protect her from the people that were intended to harm her.

She watched in amazement as her daughters tail turned into tiny little feet. She then laid a waterproof letter into the basket. "You will grow up strong my love, I know you will. Strong and beautiful, I have faith that you will do great things in life", she whispered to her daughter. Her daughter made grabby hands at her mother. Which caused jewels to cry, her tears were neon blue, they sparkled like diamonds. She placed little kisses on her daughters tiny hands. One last touch from her daughter, one last touch and then she can die happily knowing her child is safe from them.

She looked her daughter over one last time, taking in all of her. Her little body, her ten toes, ten fingers, the little ruffle of black hair that was coming in, and those beautiful blue eyes that she had. She will forever have that image in her head. "Goodbye my love", she whispered. Her voice cracking from how much it hurt to part from her beautiful daughter. She looked away, or else she wouldn't be able to. She jumped back into the water, feeling her tail grow back. She started to cry, her tears were now being washed away by the sea. But inside, her heart was breaking.

Her beautiful daughter was now safe them. But she herself wasn't.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now