She's okay

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Third person POV

Eric paced back and forth. He rubbed his hands roughly. It was annoying both Isobel and Stan. But godric was just as worried as Eric was. He just showed it differently. Isobel sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Eric, it's been only two days, she's fine", she said irritated. "I hate to agree with her, but the little she devil is fine. You'll see her soon", Stan said as he rolled his eyes. Eric turned to Stan and glared at him. But he then sighed and ran a hand through his long hair. "Things always are good before they are bad", he mumbled.

"Don't jinx things Eric, she will be fine, she'll be okay and she'll be home before you know it", Isobel said. Eric shook his head and looked at godric. Who was just staring at the wall, he then turned to look at Eric. "I too have that bad feeling, but for right now. She seems happy, that's all that matters right now. She'll be home soon", he said as he sighed. He missed her as much as Eric did. He just hid it better then his childe. He yearned for the touch of his mate as well. But he knew better then to fret. He knew she would be okay.

He didn't need to worry, right? Right.

He had no need to worry at all. At the end of the week he will see his love. He just had to wait patiently, unlike his Childe. He was patient.

Rosas POV

I whined as I sat down in a chair. I missed them and I was bored. I was being bratty. I know. But I missed them. Elizabeth says I'm going through withdrawals. Whatever that means. I folded my arms over my chest and pouted. I wanted godric and Eric. I missed them and missed their hugs. I wanted a hug and the ones Elizabeth gives me are just not enough for me. I need their hugs and they're not here to give them to me. I heard Elizabeth laugh at me, which snapped me out of my trance. I pouted and glared at her. She just kept on laughing at me, how dare she?!

"Your so cute when you pout", she said to me. She pinched my cheeks. I scrunched up my nose and playfully slapped her hand away. She laughed again. "You really are going through withdrawals, I can only wonder what Eric and godric are doing", she said shaking her head. I couldn't keep a straight face though. I giggled. I can see them being worry worts. "Probably being worry worts like usual", I said giggling. She laughed with me. "Don't worry rosy, by the end of the week, we'll both be home", she said winking at me. I giggled and shook my head. "As much as I like being here, I miss them", I said.

She smiled at me. "I know for sure they miss you too little one", she said patting my head gently. I smiled and felt my heart do a little flip. I know they missed me. I could feel it. I couldn't wait to see them. By the end of the week, I'll be in their arms again. I smiled at the thought. But then I yawned. I was tired and it was nearing morning. I felt Elizabeth pick me up. "Come on, it's time for both of us to get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow", she said as she walked us towards my room. She opened the door and placed me on the bed. She proceeded in helping me into my Pajamas. It was easy to put the pants on, but it was always so hard to put on the shirt. We both giggled as the hole got stuck in making its way on. It was a bit of struggle to get it on. But we successfully got my shirt on.

She flattened my hair. She smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Sleep tight little one, I'll see you in a few hours, okay?", she said with a kind smile. I smiled and nodded at her. "Goodnight Lizzie", I told her with a small smile. She smiled back at me. She caressed my hair softly. "Goodnight kiddo, sleep tight", she said as she made her way to the door. I smiled. She was always so nice to me. She was like a big sister to me, just like Isobel was like my mommy.

I turned over and rested my head on the pillow. I brought the blankets up to my shoulders and let my body relax. I closed my eyes and let myself slowly fall asleep. Letting the pretty colors and dreams take over my conscious.

Third person POV

Godric smiled. He could feel her. She seemed happy, no fear at all. He knew she would most likely be going to bed soon, seeing as the sun was about to come up. "She'll be okay, she seems happy. She'll be going to sleep soon, it's almost morning", he told his nest mates and childe. He saw Eric sigh and shake his head. He knew Eric worried a lot about their Rosa. And sometimes he had every right. But he tends to worry when there is no need to worry. Like right now, he's just scaring himself into thinking that Rosa is scared or is in trouble when she is not. Eric has always been the one more protective over their little Rosa. He himself was protective over her as well, just not as much as Eric was. He knew Rosa would be fine. She has Elizabeth with her. Rosa would be fine until she came home. Then she'll be safe with them and be back in their arms before they knew it.

Godric shook his head and got up. Making his way towards his and Eric's room. He did miss having to share the coffin with both of them. But soon, soon she'll be back to climbing into their coffin before they knew it. They just had to wait. She'll be back before they know it.

She'll be okay.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now