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Rosa's POV (A day later) (Night Time)

I was woken up to a scream. A familiar scream. I shot out of the bed when I knew who that scream belonged to. Sookie. I ran as fast as I could without tripping and falling. I went down the steps as fast as I could. Shit. Shit. Shit. Where was Bill! Where was Jason! I swear. The only time something happens, and they're not here. Typical. By the time I was down the stairs. I was out of breath. But I couldn't stop to take a breath. I slammed the door opened and ran out the door. I gasped at the sight.

A vampire and a Merman working together? What the actual fuck! Now I was really fucked. But I couldn't let them hurt Sookie. I knew I wasn't as strong as I once was. But I was going to try. "Oh lookie here, we got the half breed", the vampire mocked me. While the merman only glared at me. Who growled at me and flashed off his fangs at me. You know what? I got my own fangs too motherfucker! I flashed off my own fangs to them. They will not hurt Sookie! I ran as fast I could and pushed them away as best as I could. "Sookie, get back in the house, now!", I yelled at her. "No, I can't leave you!", she yelled back at me. I growled again. "Call Bill and Jason now! Go!", I yelled at her.

She hesitated, but nodded and ran back inside. Where I knew she would be safe. I looked back at the two assholes. I growled at them. "I'm not afraid to kill you both. I do have a reputation you know", I told them. The vampire only laughed mockingly. While the merman just glared darkly at me. "You were a mistake, a mistake to our kind! Your mother should have never cross bred!", the merman yelled at me. I shrugged off his words. "So I've been told, but when you've lived over a decade of all this, words like yours don't faze me anymore", I said calmly. I knew my next move would be a total mistake. But I had to keep them away. Away from hurting Sookie. She's done so much for me. And now it's time to pay the favor. I slashed the vampires face with my claws. He growled and groaned in pain from my claws. And from his distraction, I was able to attack the merman. I guess he was surprised by my attack. Did he really think I wasn't going to defend myself? Ha. What a loser.

He ended up falling off the porch and onto the ground. So I was straddling him now. "We're not so different now, huh, asshole", I spat in his face. But he only growled and hissed at me. I huffed. "You know, you act more like a cat than a mermaid", I mocked him. He was able to get me off of him. But I didn't fall. My balance was surprisingly good right now. Maybe it's the adrenaline right now. "We are nothing alike!", the merman yelled at me. Yeah he's right. "Yeah, your totally sight. I'm not a giant asshole", I said with a smirk on my lips. I noticed his stance. He was ready to attack. But so was I. I let him go first. But I wasn't going to let him get the first hit in though. I grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the ground. "You messed with the wrong people Asshole. I lived with vampires. I'm married to vampires. And now I'm gonna show you how I kill", I hissed in his face. I dug my fangs into his throat and ripped it out. Blood went everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. All over me and my face. But I really didn't give a fuck. I was just glad that was done with.

But I forgot one itty bitty thing. The vampire. Because the next thing I know. I'm being pinned to Sookie's car. I groaned at the discomfort. "Your one tough bitch. I'll give you that. But your not as strong as me. I do know who you are. I know who your husbands are. But do you think I give a fuck? I don't. I simply can't let you bring those children into this world", he said to me. Oh hell nah. I was perfectly fine with him threatening me. But my babies? Oh no. That won't do. Mama bear is going to kick your ass motherfucker! I could feel my eyes changing a different color. I was strong enough to push him off of me. He flew back. I growled. "I was perfectly fine with you threatening me. But my babies, you have another think coming asswipe!", I spat at him. I bared my fangs at him. I wasn't going to let him have the first chance to get at me. He threatened my babies. And I wasn't going to let him live if it meant he was going to be a danger to my babies. I used every bit of my strength that I had in me. I attacked him. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Tightly. I wrapped my hands around his head. And I twisted as hard as I could.



Went his head. I closed my eyes as I was covered with blood. Should have really seen that one coming. But at least both threats were gone. They were no longer a threat to my babies. They want to threaten me. That's fine. But my babies? They want to threaten my babies? Fuck no. Whoever thinks they can lay a hand on my babies. Will have another thing coming. Cause I will kill whoever comes across my babies. Their safety is my first priority. Nothing else.

But damn, I was tired now. Really tired. But I knew I wasn't finished yet. I couldn't leave a trace. I need to burn the bodies before anything else. And I knew what I had to do next. And I don't know if I can do it though.

Will I be able to do it?

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now