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Warning! Warning! Warning! Yes there will be warnings!

Warning: fighting, arguing, scratching, blood, claws, and yes Godric and Eric are deemed as warnings, and also, SMUT ⚠️)

Rosa's POV


I started to make my way to our room. I know that they were following behind me. I was glad everything was over. I wasn't exactly tired. But I was ready to back to my room and not come out until the next night. I smirked when I heard Eric speaking to Godric.
"You got to love her", he said.

We soon arrived to our room. And I walked in. And as soon as they walked in, I slammed the door shut. I locked it.

And then I attacked.


I pinned him to the wall. My hands keeping him pinned to the wall. And I knew if he wanted out of my hold, he would. He was letting me do this. And I was still so fucking angry. I was angry at him, he thought he could leave me? Eric? Us? How dare he?! He dare endanger our children? I know he doesn't know about them, but still, he endangered them. And that does not go well with the mama side in me. It made me pissed, furious even. So I let my anger out.

"You dare to leave me? Eric? Us? After what we've had? Our decades of love and marriage? Does it mean nothing to you anymore? Does our love me so little to you? Do I mean nothing to you! Huh? Huh?! I have done everything I could, to make both of you feel my love, my adoration, if you want me to bow to your feet, I will, I have before! I have kissed your feet many a time. And still, it's still not good enough! All this, now, because some humans decided it was okay to mess with us. That's all it took, for you to decide that we weren't enough to live for, that none of this mattered. Without thinking of the fucking consequences?! Did you even think what would happen?! Did you ever think about what would happen to me, to Eric, did you?!", I yelled in his face. Tears rolled down my cheeks. My purple eyes burning. My fangs begging to be let out.

"My love......", but I cut him off. "No! I'm talking! I'm the one talking now! I've always let you be in charge, both of you, ever since I was little. Because I knew it was better that way, that I was Safer that way, that there was no better way to live. But I am speaking up for myself! I have bled for you, I have almost died for you, damn it, I have burned for you! Because I loved both of your stupid self sacrificing asses! Did either of you think about how it would affect me? How it would make me feel? Your the only thing I know, because you were the only two people I saw when I was a baby. I had to trust you, I had to love you, because that's all I fucking knew! For decades, that's all I knew, all I did was stay by your side, like a good wife. I have done everything I could to make both of you happy. I have done everything you've asked of me. But it's my turn to be in charge, because if I don't take charge, I'm gonna be alone. I'm gonna be alone and abandoned, just like my mother abandoned me. And I will not let you abandon me! You hear me?!", I yelled in his face. I was thankful that these walls were vampire proof. Other vampires did not need to hear me ripping the both of them a new one.

I didn't even realize what I had done. Until I felt it, dripping down my cheek. I looked to the ground, and saw blood drops. Dripping off of my cheek and dripping onto the floor. I nearly froze, I looked back at the raised hand that I had in the air. My claws. They were out. And they were bloody. I slowly touched my cheek and it came back wet.

With blood.

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Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now