Stan the softie?

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1890 25 years later (she's five)

Rosalyn's POV

I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I was so sleepy, I had gotten out of my water filled tank. I was lonely and wanted to cuddle. And good thing Eric and Godric sleep in the same weird bed together. Weird. But it was good for me since I wanted to cuddle with them both. So I shuffled out of my water tank. Grabbed a towel and some dry clothes. I took off my wet clothes and dried myself. I then preceded to put some dry clothes on. It was easy to put on the pants, the shirt I couldn't say it was easy. I somehow got my head stuck in the arm socket. How the heck did that happen? I growled and groaned as I tried to get my head int the right hole. It was not easy for me. How is it so easy for everyone else, but for me, I get my head stuck. Unbelievable.

But soon enough I felt cold hands help me get my shirt on. For a second I thought it was either Eric, Godric or Isobel. They helped me get my head back in the right hole. I gasped as I drew in air. Much better. I turned around with a smile on my face. But it soon disappeared once I saw who it. I was surprised and in shock. "You helped me?", I asked tilting my head to the side. He shrugged. "You aren't a complete nightmare like I once thought. Took me nearly twenty years to get used to you, but you did it kid, you grew on me", he said as if he was annoyed that he had a soft spot for me. I giggled. "Well, thank you Stan", I said happily. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Don't mention it. Literally, if those two knew I wouldn't hear the end of it", he said irritated. I think he was talking about Eric and Isobel. I giggled. "I promise I won't tell anyone", I whispered softly. He huffed. "You better not", he warned, but I could tell there was no heat in his voice. I giggled again. "Well thank you again. I better go", I said motioning my thumb to outside the door. He rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. I shrugged and walked out of my room and down the hallway. I knew I should have put some socks on. I shivered as my feet met the cold flooring. I tiptoed down the hallways. Just in case I accidentally wake anyone else. I tiptoed down to Eric and godrics room. I found the door on the left, I was very familiar with their bedroom. So I didn't have any problems with finding their room. I gently pushed on the door and it opened. I tiptoed inside, I saw their weird bed. Is it weird that they sleep in a coffin? I think so. But since I normally sleep in the same bed as them. They poked a few holes in it for me to breathe. So I tiptoed over to their coffin. I opened it and almost giggled at the position they were in. Godric was holding onto Eric. And Eric slept with his mouth open. Silly. They were silly. But I just shimmed my way into the coffin. I laid in between them. Getting nice and Cozy as I did so. Mmm. Cozy. I laid my head on top of Eric's chest. I yawned softly. I rubbed my eyes with the backs of my hands. I nearly jumped when I felt arms wrap around me. "Go to sleep min kärlek", Eric whispered to me. I cuddled more into his chest. I hmm'd in reply. I gripped his shirt in my small hand. He smelled nice, he and Godric always smell nice. Well to me they do. I sighed in content and slowly fell back in my peaceful slumber.

Hours later

Third person POV

Both Eric and Godric woke up to the fact that someone else was in the coffin with them. They opened their eyes and saw that a little being was in the same space as them. They smiled. They really were going to need to get a new and bigger coffin or at least get a bed big enough for the both of them to share with her. Cause she was getting big. Even though she was five years old. They couldn't be happier. They have spent twenty years with her. Time sure does fly. But they were glad that they were able to spend this time with her, seeing as she doesn't age as the time goes. She ages very slowly and just building their bond slowly. It was strong, their bond had grown from the day they met to now. Their bond was strong, they could feel her emotions, even though they've never given her their blood before. They could feel what she feels. And most of the time it's love. Which makes them feel loved. More then they've ever felt. Their little rose was the best thing that's ever happened to them, and they would never take anything back. Godric leaned down and started to lay gentle kisses on her forehead and then her cheeks. "It's time to wake up min kärlek", he whispered softly. He chuckled when he saw her face scrunch up. She was fighting to stay asleep. She turned and buried her face into Eric's chest. Eric chuckled and rubbed her back.

"Come min kärlek. So we can get something in that stomach of yours, you don't need to be sleeping away the night again", he said softly to her. He smiled when he heard her give out a low whimper. She stayed like that for a second, before groaning and leaning up. Her eyes half open from just waking up. The two vampires chuckled. Eric gently wrapped his arms around her and got out of their coffin. He placed her at his hip, he patted her head softly. He chuckled when he felt her lay her head on his shoulder. He knew if he didn't hurry that she would fall asleep again. He shook his head. He walked out of their room with his maker right behind him. He felt Rosalyn grip his shirt in her tiny hands. He grabbed her other hand and pressed a soft kiss to her tiny knuckles. He loved this little girl. She was his little rose. He's loved her for more then twenty years and nothing was ever going to stop him from loving her.


(The next chapter is called the titanic. Ooo!)

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now