You idiots!

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It has been a month and a few weeks since they had left Rosa in the hands of Dr. Ludwig. They still couldn't believe it. Did she lay with another man? But then why would she crave blood? She's never craved blood before. And she has been more lustful then usual. More then usual. And then if it were a human child inside of her. Then it would not have survived the bombing.

They were still so confused. It was supposed to be impossible. They could never produce. Right? For centuries they could not. They were told and believed that they could not produce. They didn't want to think of their sweet Rosa sleeping with another man. But there was no evidence that she had. If she were carrying a human child, she wouldn't be craving blood, lustful more then usual, or the fact that the baby could have survived after what happened.

But once they had walked into their new home that was rebuilt. They could tell that Isobel was angry. Very angry. Because the minute they walked into the house, she was there standing in front of them. Her expression wasn't of a happy one. "You idiots! How can you leave her?! Do you have any idea how much that hurt her? Sookie and her brother have been taking better care of her then you two idiots. I understand it's a little hard to believe. Believe me, it took me awhile to believe what Bill and Dr. Ludwig were saying. But that gives you no excuse to leave her! You really think that Rosa would ever lay with another man? Really?! After years and decades of her loving you, she loves you so damn much and you can't see past your beliefs. She is carrying your children! For Gods sake! She is as big as a house now! Weeks ago she didn't even look like she was showing, but now, she looks half way through her pregnancy and your missing out on everything!", Isobel yelled at the both of them. She took her phone out and shoved it into their faces.

"She is elegant! She is stunning! And she is mostly doing all of this on her own! You think she knows how to take care of two children that are half vampire and half mermaid? I don't think so! But she is doing it! She is taking care of your childr...

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"She is elegant! She is stunning! And she is mostly doing all of this on her own! You think she knows how to take care of two children that are half vampire and half mermaid? I don't think so! But she is doing it! She is taking care of your children! Because you fucking left her! Your supposed to love her and take care of her! She needed you to tell her it was going to be all okay, that you were going to be at her side the whole time! But you weren't. And she still needs you! But are you there with her at this very minute? No! She needed you and you ran, ran like cowards! That is my daughter! And neither of you were there for her! She is taking care of my grandchildren all on her own. I can't believe the both of you. You say you love her. Interesting way to show you love her, by leaving her alone. I can't, I just can't believe you", she said as she shook her head. She was so pissed at them. She couldn't even look at them. But she did feel as the two of them took her phone from her. To look closer at the picture of Rosa.

The two of them couldn't believe it. She was big but beautiful. She was glowing. And Isobel was right. They weren't there for her. They aren't now. And they need to be there for her. They have expected that she was carrying their children. Maybe they were lied to. Or whoever told them didn't know themselves. But that would mean, that they abandoned their wife, when she needed them the most. How could they? They promised her that they would always be by her side. But they weren't. They ran like cowards. And now their wife was doing this entire pregnancy mostly on her own. Not knowing what to do. But she was still doing a hell of job without them. But she needs them. Now. She needs them now.

Godric handed Isobel her phone back. A determined look on his face. "We are going to fix this, we're going to make up for the time we've missed", he told her. She glared at him. "You better", she spat at him. The two of them weren't angry with her being snippy with them. They actually deserved her wrath. They had hurt her child. Her daughter. By running away. And they deserve to be yelled at. The two of them looked at each other. They were really going to have to make it up to her. To them. How could they believe that their sweet wife could ever lay with another man?

It's been hell without being at her side. They only hoped that she would let them near her. She must be so angry with them. If last time was to go by anything, then they were gonna get mama bear. But they would let her yell, scream at them. Because they deserve it. They hated that they had thought such thoughts. And in that, they have been away from her side. From their children. Their children that was growing inside of their beautiful wife.

"If I know Rosa. She's gonna release hell upon those two, especially now, good luck I guess", Stan said to them. He was angry at them too. He didn't believe it for a while. But he knew better then to think that Rosa would ever sleep with another man. The girl basically worships the two idiots. He didn't know why they didn't think to trust her. He shook his head. He still couldn't really believe that it was possible. But he knew better then to think that Rosa cheated. He knew better and he knew her. He also knew in a short period of months from now, that there would be two extra pair of feet running around. Gods, he could already see it.

He groaned at the thought. He was definitely not babysitting. Hell no.

Both Godric and Eric didn't bother with a goodbye. They were going to bring their wife home. Their wife and children. That's if she lets them. Who knows what she'll do if she knew that they were going to bring her home after what happened. But they could only hope.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now