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Rosa's POV

"You really didn't have to do this Sookie, I would have came up with something eventually", I told her. I was looking at the massive pool in front of us. Holy shit this was huge. And the bottom was filled with sand and rocks. Reminds me of the sea.

Sookie just waved me off. "It's fine, I just it's enough and big enough for when the baby's come around", she told me. I turned to her and gave her a big smile. I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly. But not tight enough to hurt her. "It is, it's perfect. I love it. Thank you, thank you so much", I said happily. I was so happy. Over filled with happiness. I don't know why. Maybe it has to do with my hormones. Who knows. I felt as she patted me on the back. "No problem", she told me softly. I giggled and pulled back. I looked at the pool and back at her. "Do you mind if I....?", I asked her. It took her a second to realize what I was trying to say. Her face lit up. "Oh no, go ahead. It's all yours", she told me. I couldn't help the big smile that grew on my lips after she said that. It hurt my cheeks from smiling that big. But I was just so so happy.

I threw off my shirt and pants. I kept my bra on, but the underwear had to go. I threw those off. And I started climbing down the three steps that were there. Oooo! The water was warm but a little cold. Just the way I liked it. I hmmm'd in pleasure. This was nice. Very very nice. I could feel the tingle, and there it was. My beloved tail. Oh how I've missed you. My tail doesn't come out in regular water. Only salt water. So it's been awhile. I took a practice lap, and I was in love. I flipped my tail around, I heard a splash. And then a squeal. Oops. I turned around and saw that a bit of water Joe gotten on Sookie. I couldn't help but giggle. "Sorry about that Sookie, I'm just a little excited is all", I told her with a smile.

But she just gave me a smile. "It's fine, a little water won't kill me. I'm just happy to see you happy", she told me. Yeah, I've maybe been a little down for a few days. But I'm happy now! I missed the way the water felt on my skin and on my tail. And I guess the babies did too! They started kicking. I smiled happily and went under. I gasped in awe when I saw sea shells. Sea shells! Oooo!

I was in love.

I swam on my back so I could see the sky from below the water. It was pretty.

But I missed them. I missed my mom. I missed Stan. I missed my sister. I missed everyone. But they just wouldn't understand. Not like Bill. He wasn't even suspicious about it. He knew my babies were theirs. So why couldn't they? I sighed and let a few bubbles float around in the water. I put my hands on my growing belly. Things will get better. I promise. I just have to figure out what I'm going to do first.


I spent hours and hours in the pool. Until I had gotten hungry. I was eating for three now. So I got out and patted my tail dry. Until I got my legs back. I stretched my limbs out. Ahh, that was nice. That was such a good swim. I got my clothes back on and put my hair in a towel. So I wouldn't be dripping everywhere. I walked back into the house. I was greeted by Sookie. "Hey, how was the swim? You hungry?", she asked me. I smiled at her. "It was amazing thank you. And of course. I'm always hungry", I said with a goofy smile on my lips. She giggled.

I then noticed that we weren't the only ones in the kitchen. Oh. Bill and Jason. I smiled awkwardly at them. I waved slightly. "Go ahead and sit down, I'll bring it over to you", she told me. I smiled at he thankfully. I waddled myself over to the kitchen table and sat down. I pulled my shirt down so my belly wouldn't be peeking out. It's a good thing we went shopping. Because I sure have grown.

"So, how are the babies?", Jason asked me. I smiled at him. "Growing and kicking", I told him. At at that second Sookie set down a plate full of breakfast foods, and of course my usual. I looked up at her. "Dr. Ludwig came over for her usual delivery", she told me. I couldn't help but smile. I knew Dr. Ludwig loved me. She just has a weird way of showing it. I gave Sookie a small smile. "Thank you", I told her. She was so good to me. She didn't have to be. But she was. She fed me. She went shopping with me. She let me stay in her house. She gave me a literal pool. And she even went along with the emotional crying and anger sessions. She knew it was hard for me. And she still helped me. She really was a good friend. And I liked that I was getting time to bond with her.

Sookie gave me a smile back. "Your welcome", she told me. She patted my shoulder before stepping away. I went back to my breakfast. And I began to eat. Mmmm. So good. I was hungry. Swimming sure does make you hungry. But I was really happy to go swimming again today. It's been awhile for me. And I knew that I would have a place for when the twins would come. They'll have a place to be born in. I've read that they wouldn't be able to breathe in fresh air when just born. They'll choke. They have to be in fresh salt water. For awhile I was concerned. Because I didn't have anything ready. But I do now. And I couldn't help but be really grateful to Sookie.

I smiled and rubbed my belly. I giggled when they kicked at my hand. Someone's active today. "Can I?", I heard Jason say. I looked up and saw Jason's hand raised. Oh. I guess it wouldn't hurt. I mean I know he won't hurt me or the babies. So what would the harm be? I hesitated but nodded. "Go ahead", I told him. He nodded. He slowly placed his hand on my belly. And I couldn't help but laugh when one of the babies kicked his hand. He seemed surprised at that. He gasped. "Holy shit, that's weird", he said. I giggled. "How do you think I feel?", I told him.

He chuckled and gave me a smile. Maybe it wouldn't just be Sookie I was going to have to have a bond with. I looked over at Bill. Yeah, that one's gonna take awhile. But maybe we'll end up having that bond. Who knows.

I went back to my breakfast in happiness. But maybe a little bit of sadness as well. They were missing out on these important steps in my pregnancy and I didn't know how to feel about that.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now