The Titanic

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1911 15 years later (she's 9 years old)

1911 15 years later (she's 9 years old)

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Rosalyn's POV

Oh my god! Eeee! I can't wait! I can't wait! We're going on THE TITANIC! I've heard so much about it. Eric and Godric couldn't come since they said they had other matters to do. But it was okay. They had someone else take me. They were a bit hesitant on having me go somewhere without them. But with these puppy dog eyes I could get away with murder. I eventually got my way and I'm going. So Were going for a total of seven days. I can't wait! I'm going to see so much! I had my luggage all ready and set. We were already on the boat, waving at random people. I waved with both hands and had a big smile on my lips. Eric and Godric couldn't say goodbye. For some reason. But they did say goodbye last night. So I wasn't too upset. I yawned as the boat started to sail. Seeing as it was day time. Being literally forty something years old in a little girl body, and having the mind of a little girl as well. I'm just so used to sleeping during the day and being up during the night time. It is weird that I am literally 40 years old in the body that I have. And I don't know much about my people. But I didn't really care at the moment. Not really. So..........I was so excited! Eeeeeeee! I couldn't wait to do all the things I could do. I jumped around as I saw all the rich people on the boat. Some of them seemed a little snobby for my taste. But hey, I won't let them ruin my fun. But then I yawned again. Rubbing my sleepy eyes with the back of my hand. Elizabeth, one of the humans we have at the mansion, smiled down at me. "Come now, it's time to get some sleep. Eric and Godric would have my head if they found out I let you stay up even a minute longer", she said with a soft giggle. I giggled and nodded. I took her hand and walked with her as we walked to our room.

Once we did, it looked a little bit like my room at the mansion. Just without my tank. But I didn't care. The room had a bed and I was tired. Elizabeth took out my pajamas and left so I could change. I sleepily got into my pajamas. And once done, I jumped into the comfortable bed. I sighed in comfort, but also in sadness. Missing their cold arms around me already. I missed snuggling. But I would see them soon. I sighed and moved onto my side. I closed my eyes slowly and let the darkness engulf me. But soon enough, my Dreams were colorful and happy.

Eric's POV

I paced and paced. Worry was all I could feel. I couldn't help it. She wasn't with us. How can I know she's safe If she's not with us? She wanted to go so badly. Why did we cave in so easily? Damn it! I grunted and ran a hand through my long hair. How can I know she's okay, when I can't even be with her, when I'm not by her side? I just have a bad feeling about this? What if something happens? Then what? I don't think I can stand knowing that she would be hurt. I can't.

"Crease your pacing Eric. She is okay, and she will stay that way, she is only on the boat for a couple days. That is all, she'll be back before we know it", Isobel said to me softly. I sighed and looked at godric who looked just as worried as I did. "But I can't help but have a bad feeling about this, I can feel it. And it's not a good feeling, What do we do?", I asked my maker. He looked up at me. I could see the worry written all over his face. I didn't know what to do and I think he doesn't either.

"If your bad feeling gets worse, we will do something about it, we know where she is, we always do. But for now, all we can do is wait", he said. He sounded defeated. But I couldn't just stay here and wait for something bad to happen. But what could I do? I sighed again, I wanted to punch something. So badly. I just wanted my Rosa with me. I wanted to make sure she was safe. I have to. Then I will calm down, but for the next few days I will not calm down. Not until I know my mate is safely back in my arms and back home. Till then, I will not rest easily.

I clenched my fists angrily. "Fine, but if I get even a bigger bad feeling of we feel fear from her, I'm gone. I won't stand here and let her get hurt. We promised her we would never let anything harm her", I said as I paced more and more. "The little devil spawn will be fine. It's just a boat ride and if she were to fall off, she can just swim back on the boat, it's not like that she can drown", Stan said as he walked into the room. I growled lowly. I glared at him. "Do not joke about this, my mate is no laughing matter. Joke again about her and I will rip you apart", I growled in his face. How dare he talk this way about her? My mate? I could feel a growl escape me again. The vampire in me wanted to rip him apart and then go find my mate. But I knew I couldn't. "Eric", Godric said sternly. It took me a minute to back down. I just sneered and glared at the asshole in front of me. I could feel my fangs click in place. Try me bitch!

But before anything could happen, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Eric, calm down", Godric used his marker voice on me. I sighed and made my fangs go back into my gums. Lucky asshole. I glared at Stan once more before leaving the room. Still not happy with the situation that was happening. I will only calm down when I know she is back here, home and safe. Until then, I will be moody as fuck. And no one can stop me.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now