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Third person POV

Both godric and Eric gazed at the beauty that was laying in the middle of them. They still couldn't believe that she was alive and laying right in the middle of them. It was a miracle. It was like they woke up from a nightmare and there she was. All of what they've done and they still have her. It surly was a miracle.

Godric raised a hand and gently caressed her cheek. So soft, so delicate. She was so small and breakable. And the things he's done. It made him fear that he would hurt her again. He hated that he had already hurt her. He placed a soft kiss on to her small forehead. He clenched his eyes closed. Her heat, her beating heart. She was really here. With them. And she will stay that way. He and Eric will have to be more stern with her. No matter if she likes it or not. If she wants to go out of the house, she will have to go with one of the others or the two of them. He looked at Eric. Who looked back at him. "You can not disagree with me on this. I will always put our mates safety first. I will have to say no to her more often now, and I would advice you to do the same", he said sternly. But what surprised him was the blood tear that ran down his Childes cheek. "I can't believe we have her back. I'll do anything for that to stay that way, anything. Even if she hates me. I will make sure she stays safe", he whispered. Godric nodded softly. Before looking back at the sweet child that was resting below them. They would soon have to wake her from her slumber. But for now, they would like to gaze upon her beauty. She was so beautiful. Her beauty couldn't be overtaken by any vampire woman. She was her own kind of beauty. And that's what made her unique. Godric smiled and caressed her cheek softly with the softest touch of the back of his hand.

She was so soft. So tiny. So beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful. His Rosa. His little mate. His love. He loved her. He didn't tell her often. But from now on, he would see to himself that he would tell her as much as he could. Knowing that last time he did not tell her he loved her and last time he thought he lost her. He wanted her to know he loved her. He wanted her to feel his love for her. Vampires only get one mate in their very long vampire lives. And he was glad that he had gotten her. He was able to watch as she grew up from the adorable and beautiful babe and into a beautiful little girl. His little girl.

He loved his beautiful little girl. And if he had a say in it, he'll make sure he never loses her again. He'll make sure of that.


Eric softly gazed upon the ever so soft and delicate face of their beautiful mate. She looked so peaceful asleep. There were no nightmares today. That was a good thing. He hated when she got nightmares. They were always so horrible. And he hated to see her in such pain. He couldn't bare to hear the soft sobs come from her mouth as she remembered the horrors she had been through. He only wished he could take it away from her and make her dreams full of sunshine and happiness. But he could not, what upset him was that he couldn't do a thing but wait it out. He just wanted to hold onto her forever and never let go. To keep her safe in his arms and never let another person hurt her. He would never let another person set any harmful hand on her. He had been kicking himself for what he had done in his time of doubt. He only wished he could take it back. But he could not. And what is what he hated. He wanted to take it all back. He just wanted to have her arms and keep her safe from the world. She should not have had to see the ugly side of the world at such a young age. And yet, she had. And what breaks his nonexistent heart is that she had survived through the nightmare, but still has nightmares about her journey. She only wanted to come home. To them. She just wanted to come home.

But she was now home. His beauty. His little one was home and he was not letting her go for a long time. He won't risk losing her again. Even if that means locking her up inside of her tank and inside of the house. If it means to keep her safe. He'll do it. He let out a unnecessary sigh and pressed a soft kiss to her small brow. It was time for his beauty to wake up. Before she sleeps the night away, again. He chuckled at the memory of her bouncing up and down the walls during the day. Elizabeth had a field day of watching her as he and godric slept the day away. She now knows better. But she does like to sleep in, a lot. He placed another kiss to her brow. "Wake up my Beauty. It's time to wake up", he whispered to her. He chuckled when he saw her brow scrunched up as she denied his words. He placed little kisses on her face to try and help her wake up. He chuckled as she squealed softly and pushed away at his face. "Okay, okay. I'm awake, I'm awake!", she said giggling as his light stubble tickled her skin. He chuckled once more. "Come little one. We have breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen", he told her. Rosa let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes. "Yay, I'm hungry", she said as she stopped rubbing her eyes. Both godric and Eric chuckled at her words. Godric opened the door to the coffin. There was no light. No candle light either. But seeing as they were vampires. They didn't need it.

Eric grabbed the half awake Rosa and set her on his hip. He smiled when he felt her wrap her arms around his neck. Nuzzling softly against his bare neck. Scent marking him. Only mates and said vampire mate scent Mark each other. If anyone else were to, it would go against the rules. Seeing as it was too intimate. But he liked that she likes to scent Mark him. It always keeps her scent on his clothes, letting others know he belongs to someone. And he thinks godric adores it, loving the idea of belonging to someone. But he just won't admit it. It was his pride that kept him from admitting it. He rolled his eyes and shook his head as he made his way towards the kitchen.

His maker was crazy.

But if it weren't for him, he wouldn't be here and he would have never met his little one. So he thanks the gods that his maker had found him and turned him when he did.

Because he was nothing without his little beauty.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now