Five years later

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The year 1870 (Five years later)

Its been five years, five years! Since Rosalyn has been staying with them. And they've been tracking her growing. They thought since she was half human that she would be growing at a human rate. But they were wrong. Very wrong. Instead of being a five year old. She looked like and acted like a one year old. So they all agreed that she would grow every five years. Which was really something. But as time came and went. She grew a bond with both Eric, Godric and Isobel. Well, to her they were Ewic, godwic and isowel. She was trying to be get better on her r's and b's but at the moment not so much. But they were okay with that. Since they all had a soft spot for her. From the minute they brought her home, no was able to say no to her or ever be mean, glare or talk down to her. That is if your name isn't Stan the meanie. That was her name for him and it just stuck. No matter how many times he glared at her for calling him that.

Rosalyn giggled as she stumbled around the house. Trying to get away from the obvious vampire behind her. Eric chuckled as he playfully chased his mate around the mansion. She was so adorable. He couldn't believe it's been five years since they found her. But he wouldn't have it any other way. He's had the time and patience to form a bond with her, also with his maker. They learned to love her in the last five years. And they would hunt down and harm the person that would ever hurt her. She was his and his makers mate. She was under their protection. And if anyone even tried to lay a single hand on a single strand of hair on her head, oh heads will roll.

He chuckled again when he saw she was about to trip and fall. She was still learning how to walk. So she was stumbling about like a new born fawn. He swooped in and gathered her into his arms. She giggled loudly. "Ewic!", she squealed. He chuckled and nuzzled against her cheek. She giggled and pushed his face away due to the itchy feeling of his stumble. He placed little kisses on her chubby cheek. "I got you my little rose. It's time for nap time", he said to her with a smile on his lips. She shook her head and pouted. She gave him the pouty lip and the puppy dog eyes. He tried to look away. But he couldn't. His mate had the most intense puppy dog eyes in the world and he could never say no to her. He sighed. "Fine! But if you get cranky, don't forget I warned you", he warned her. She giggled and clapped her hands in excitement. He chuckled and shook his head. She sure was something.

He walked into the living room, only to see Isobel and Godric in the same room. Reading. He despised reading. So boring. He then smirked when he felt Rosalyn bounce in his arms. So he bent down and placed her down on the floor gently. A huge smile showing off her tiny teeth was all he could see on her baby face. He watched in amusement as she stumbled towards Godric. She giggled and clapped her hands together. "Godwic!", she squealed his name. Eric chuckled. He knew Godric could never be cross or stern with her. No matter how hard he tried. He couldn't stand the tears and sadness on her face when he was. It was his soft spot for her. Eric noticed, ever since that night, his maker was different. Happier, sweeter, and the surprising thing was, that he would smile randomly. It was mostly when Rosalyn was around. He was glad that they found her that night. She's made the house feel so warm and homely. She made it feel like home.

Rosalyn soon made it over to Godric's chair and patted on his legs softly. She giggled. She patted his legs again when she noticed he was indeed still reading that book of his. "Godwic!", she happily said his name. Godric placed the book down at his side and looked down at her, with a amused eyebrow raised. "Yes min kärlek?", he asked. (My love in Swedish). She giggled again. She raised her arms out to him. "Uppy", she said. He chuckled, a small smile grazing his lips. He bent forward and gently grabbed her in his strong arms. Bringing her into his lap. She giggled and started to run her baby fingers up and down his face. Something he had gotten used to. He found out that it was a pattern she does. Whenever she comes in a room and sees him, she wants to run her fingers all over his skin. Feeling his face and arms. He didn't know why. But he was not complaining about it. It felt.........comforting.

Rosalyn giggled when her tiny fingers found his lips. He smiled and brought her tiny hands to his lips and gently placed little kisses to her palms. She giggled. She bent forward, but seeing as her body was heavier then she thought, she fell into his chest. Making everyone in the room laugh at the banter. It was cute. Rosalyn giggled. She used both her hands to push herself up forward. She gave Godric a tiny teeth smile. What he didn't expect was that she leaned forward and placed a wet kiss to his cheek. If he were human, he wouldn't doubt that he would be red with blush. She giggled.

She then yawned. She rubbed her eyes softly with the back of her hand. Godric snapped out of it and chuckled at his sleepy mate. "Are you sleepy min kära?", he asked her softly and in a soothing voice. She shook her head in denial. But he could see the sleepiness in her eyes. She was seconds from falling asleep. He would wait until she fell asleep in his arms. He placed a soft kiss to her forehead. "Sleep Min kärlek", he whispered soothingly to her. He watched as she leaned into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her gently but tightly.

He waited a few minutes, and there it was. Her tiny little snores. He chuckled and placed a small little kiss on the top of her head. "Sleep well Min kärlek", he whispered to her softly. (My love). He smiled when he felt her snuggle more into his chest. He looked up to see his childe and his underling looking at him. He raised an eyebrow at them. "What?", he asked. They both looked at each other and smiled. Before looking back at him. "She's changing you, and it's a good thing", Eric told his maker. Godric went to deny any of that, but as he opened his mouth. He looked down at the small being in his arms. He saw the smile on his tiny mates lips. There was no worry or any fear on her face. As if he weren't a ruthless killer. He smiled down at her. "I guess she is", he whispered. But he knew they could hear every word come from his lips.

And it was true. She was changing everyone. For the good. She made them feel.......human. 

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now