The Church

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Rosa's POV

I leaned my head back as I felt his fangs sink into the flesh of my neck. Pleasure was all I felt. It was all I ever felt when they fed from me. Feeding from both sides were always so pleasurable. Between three soulmates, it feels even better then feeding off of a human. Not that I know what feeding from a human feels like. I never actually fed from a human. But it's what they have said, so most of the time, they usually feed from me. I like that better then them feeding from humans. But usually when we feed from one another, it always turns to something else. Not that I minded. The pleasure of my husbands were always my priority.

I snapped out of it when I felt his thumb caress my cheek. He was always so gentle with me. The both of them always were. But sometimes if I ask, they'll be rough with me. I smirked at thought. I felt Eric's fangs detach from my neck, he softly caressed my neck that wasn't bitten into. He bit into his thumb and rubbed it where the fangs marks were. Instantly healing them. I smiled and wiped away the trail of blood that was trailing down his lip. I placed my thumb out for him to suck it off. Which he did. He suckled gently on my thumb. He winked at me as he did. I took my thumb from his mouth. "What were you smirking about, my love?", he asked me with a smirk. I giggled. I cupped his neck softly. I leaned in so I could whisper into his ear. "I miss you and Godric being rough with me", I whispered into his ear. I felt him tense up, I nearly squealed when he brought me into his lap. His hands on my hips. I could feel how hard he was. Already? Mmmm. He started to mouth against my neck and collar bone harshly. I giggled softly. I patted his chest. "We're in public Eric, we can't get another public indecency again, you remember what happened last time", I told him softly. He chuckled into my neck. "All I remember is you begging me not to stop. You wouldn't let me go until you came around me, absolutely soaked me", he whispered into me ear. I bit my lip and whined into his ear. I could feel myself growing wetter and wetter and I knew he could smell me. He growled into my neck.

"Godric got so mad with us", I whispered to him. He chuckled again. "He was just mad because he wasn't there, feeling how tight you were. I had the pleasure of feeling you, so worth the arrest", he said chuckling into my ear. His hands falling farther down to my ass. He gripped it tightly into his hands. I moaned softly into his ear. "We get in trouble, I'm blaming you", I whispered to him. He chuckled into my ear. "It'll be worth it", he whispered to me.

But soon our moment was over. I heard the sound of a woman clearing her throat behind me. "My love, would you so kindly go over to the bar for a minute while I talk to this kind lady", he said softly to me. I gripped his short hair tightly. "Touch her and I'll show you how mean I can really get. I mean it Eric", I hissed into his ear. I then stated my claim. By sinking my fangs into his neck. Yes I know it won't last long. But I'll know people, especially the woman that was behind me would see my mark I had left on him. He gripped my back, his fist gripping my shirt. "Psychopaths aren't my type baby", he whispered into my ear. I giggled loudly. "Good cause I'm the Only Psychopath you love", I said winking at him. He smirked and smacked my ass. I just gave him a look and blew him a kiss. I waved my fingers at him and then turned to the woman in front of me. Ah, she's a vampire. Of course she is. They always are. I strutted my way towards the bar. Making sure he saw my ass shake in these new jeans I had bought. I'm sure when godric gets home, he'll be on me like a fly. He always likes how jeans hug my ass. He's an ass man alright.

I sat down at the bar and ordered a vodka cranberry. More vodka then cranberry though. I like the sting that goes downs my throat. I don't flinch when it goes down my throat. Not anymore anyways. I've been drinking for a long time. I can drink a whole bottle of vodka and not be bothered by the sting of the drink. But ha, I do get hammered as fuck. Godric is very stern with Me when I get drunk. But sometimes he'll let it slide. If you know what I mean.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now