My love

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Rosa's POV


I sat and watched as Hugo 'tried to get us out' wasn't doing him any good. I sighed and shook my head. This was a waste of time. Good thing I didn't need to pee. At least I still had my dignity. I know later I will have to pee. Really need to pee. But that time isn't now. Thank god for that.

"Hey! I need to use the bathroom! Hey! Come on! Let me out of here!", Hugo yelled. He's just scared now. He ratted us out. He ratted the others out. He ratted my nest out. Fucking dipshit. I rolled my eyes at him. My mother sure knows how to pick em'.

Then I watched as Sookie tried to give him a bottle to pee in. I nearly threw up. Don't throw up. You have nothing in your stomach. He got snippy with her, of course if he got snippy with me. He wouldn't have a tongue to be snippy with. But she only dismissed his words. I shook my head and placed a hand on my forehead. God I'm in a room filled with children. Children!

But then I watched as She took his hand for a second. "You, your the traitor", she said gasping. My eyes widened. What the fuck?! He's the fucking traitor?! I got up and went to attack. But Sookie grabbed me. She shook her head at me. I struggled in her hold. She's lucky I only have the strength of a human now. Or else his head would be across the room. "You! Your the one that ratted us out. You betrayed our nest! You betrayed my mother! You selfish bastard! And for what! You helped in kidnapping my husband. Because of you, my husband is in here somewhere, possibly hurt or worse. And I hate you. I knew you were a rat. Stinky stinky man!", I growled at him. My purple eyes glaring at him. My fangs flashing at him. Threatening to tear into his soft flesh of his neck. My claws ready to rip him apart. I was so angry. That bastard betrayed us! He betrayed my mother! "Your lucky I don't rip you apart!", I yelled at him.

"Think of the baby", Sookie whispered softly in my ear. I sighed and calmed down. She was right. I have to think of my baby. Too much stress could hurt them. God only knows how much they've already been through. Sookie helped me sit down and calm down. She rubbed my shoulders softly. I sighed in content and leaned back. I was still pissed but this felt nice. I really wanted to rip out his throat. But I needed to be calm and no angry.

But I got even more angry when he started to talk shit about my mother! I still sat, but glared at him. My purple eyes turning a vibrate purple. I bared my fangs at him. "You say another bad thing about my mother and I will rip out your spine as you still live. And while your still alive, I will rip out your tongue and stuff it inside of your mouth. And then I will reach inside of your stomach and rip out all of your intestines. And finally, I will rip out your heart. You will die a slow death", I hissed at him. Motherfucker.

I guess I scared him a bit too much, since he tried to get up and yell for Mr. perv, to let him out. I smirked and laughed to myself darkly. He's just a jackass. He used my mother, he Used Sookie and he fucking used me! Motherfucker is gonna pay one way or another.


I just sat there, watching as all three of us just sat here and did fucking nothing! I was hungry, I was pissed and I was fucking tired. I just want to go home. Is that so hard to ask for?! I huffed and continued to glare at Hugo. I smirked when I saw him squirm. Piece of shit!

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now