Her story

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Third person POV

While the three were upstairs. The others were downstairs arguing. "How do you know she is no witch!", Stan hissed at Pam. Pam hissed back. "She would have smelt like one, she would have the blood of a witch. She would have used her magic on me. But instead, she begged me not to drink from her. I was just as shocked as you are now. But she is our Rosa. And I think she will have to explain it, she'll tell her story better then I would. She is here, she is alive. Isn't that all that should matter? Rosa is alive, she's breathing and her heart is now beating. No witch could make those two bow to their knees and cry for her, it is Rosa. Rosa is the only one that can bring them to their knees. It just took a minute for them to really understand that she is living and breathing, as should you. Or else we'll lose her again", Pam hissed at them.

She hated that no one in this family thought to believe her. Rosa was here, she was breathing and living. She didn't know how. But she was. She sighed and shook her head. "Don't you care that she's here? Isn't it better then having her dead, for five fucking years, we believed she was dead and yet all you care about is if she was a witch! What is wrong with you? We just got her back!", she growled at them.

And before anyone else could say anything else. They heard footsteps coming down the stairs. They all turned to see godric and Eric coming down the stairs. Rosa in Eric's arms. Arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Her nose pressing into his neck. She was scent marking him, breathing in his scent. After so long, she never wanted to stop. Eric ignored the looks he was getting. She would not talk until she was fed and completely comfortable. So he sat down on one of the couches. His hand on her back. His nose in her slightly damp hair. Inhaling her scent. Slightly purring, trying to calm her racing heart. To make her stop feeling Anxiety. He could feel her again. Her emotions. After so long. She was just so far away that he couldn't feel her before. But now, now she was here. In his arms once more. And he was never going to let her go. Not if he had a choice about it.

He could feel her tiny fingers in his long hair. He smiled. She still loved his long hair. His love. She loved him still. Even though he hurt her. He hated the very thought of him hurting her. He would rather drive a stake in his heart then hurt her. But he already had. But for today, he would never lay another harmful hand on his beloved. For the rest of his long life, he will never lay a harmful hand on her. For if he laid another hand on her like today, he will command Pam to stake him. No matter what, no matter the begging or the pleading. He will go along with the punishment of true death. He will never hurt his beloved like he had today. Not if he wanted to die today that is.

Soon, godric emerged from the kitchen. With A bowl of what smelled like soup. He bent down to Rosa's height. He and the others could hear the sound of her tiny stomach growl with hunger. He didn't know how long It had been since she had last eaten, he wished not to know, for if he had, he would feel more then guilty. He would hate himself for not looking for her. He should have, and maybe if he had. Maybe he wouldn't have had to wait five years without her. He sighed. He hesitated but gently tapped his beloveds shoulder.

He was scared to hurt her once more. He hated himself for hurting her. "My love? You must eat", he whispered softly to her. He nearly gasped once he saw her blue eyes meet his grey ones. But what he was confused about was that her eyes were not filled with fear nor hate for him. Her eyes, they were filled with love. He could feel her love, for him. He had no idea why. He had hurt her. But yet she still had it in her heart to still love him. What shocked him even more was the fact that she leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. And then leaned her forehead on top of his. She closed her eyes and laid her forehead on top of his.

"Love you", she whispered softly to him. If he still had a heart. It would have burst out of his chest. She loved him. She still loved him. He could feel the blood tears welling up in his eyes. "And I love you as well, my love", he whispered to her. Then again, her stomach growled loudly. Which made her blush red. Godric and Eric let out a chuckle at the blush that was on her rosy cheeks. Godric picked up the spoon and softly blew on it so it wouldn't be to hot for her and burn her tongue. He then brought the spoon to Rosa's lips. "Eat, you must eat my love. Need to get your strength up once more", he said. But there was no sternness in his voice. All anyone could hear was the sound of love in his voice.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now