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Third person POV A few minutes later

No one expected it, no one did. No one in the nest expected it. But it happened. Isobel and Stan were in the living room, like any other night. Watching as Eric and godric paced back and forth. Well more like Eric did. They found it amusing. That was until Eric fell to his knees in shock. His hand over his chest. Where his heart would have been. Godric got up in concern. "Eric?", he asked. He sounded worried. His voice full of worry and concern. But it didn't take much longer, for him to feel what his childe was feeling. He himself was willed to his knees. His eyes full of tears. They were wide with shock at the amount of fear and pain he felt through the bond. He felt so much pain, so much fear through his bond with their mate. It was so much. It was so much that it brought him to his knees. His widened eyes met the ones of his childe. "Eric", he said. He didn't have to say anything else. Because Eric knew exactly what was happening. "Rosa", Eric whispered his mates name. Stan and Isobel looked at each other in concern before looking at the two. "Eric, godric, what's going on?", Isobel asked in concern. "She's in danger, we feel pain and fear coming from the bond. She's in trouble", godric said as he got to his feet. He turned to Eric.

"We must go, we have to. God only knows what has happened, we can only hope that she's still alive", he said. His eyes full of blood tears. Eric gulped at the words of his maker. He didn't like the sound of them. But he only nodded. And before anyone else knew it. They both ran out of the house. Full intentions of finding their mate and hopefully alive.


It didn't take them too long to get to the docking of where the ship sailed. But before they could get into the water. They saw the ships. The ship full of humans. Less then the amount of people they expected. They knew something horrible had happened. And it didn't take them long to find Elizabeth. Who was shivering and holding herself to find warmth. They felt a cold shiver run down their spines when they saw the tears on her cheeks. And what made it worse was that she was alone. Elizabeth's eyes met theirs. And she gulped in fear. But she made her way towards them. She knew what she had to do. Even if that meant dying.

"Godric, Eric", she said. Her voice cracking. They didn't have to ask, they knew. So they only stared at her with grief In their eyes. "She's gone, isn't she?", godric asked her. He felt her, he felt her soul go. Along with her fear and pain. He knew his young mate was gone. Despite being what she was. She was gone. Elizabeth sniffled and wiped her tears. "T-T-The ship, it hit a iceberg, and it was going down, I didn't have much time to do anything. People rushed and I didn't even have the chance to get to her room. I tried, I tried so hard to get to her. But they wouldn't let me. They wouldn't let me get to her. No matter what I did, they just wouldn't let me help her, do what you must. I deserve whatever you do to me. I was supposed to protect her and watch her and I failed. I failed her", she said as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. She expected to be killed or tortured for what she had done. She was supposed to watch her, to protect her. She didn't, she failed them and her. The little girl that was like a sister to her.

She had failed.

She flinched when she felt a hand land on her shoulder. But what she didn't expect when she looked up, was the blood tears that were running down their cheeks. "It wasn't your fault. It was ours, we let her go, we let her slip through our fingers. She wanted to go so badly, she begged and begged, and we should have been more cross with her. Maybe if we had, she would still be with us. So that is on us, not on you", godric said as fresh blood tears rolled down his cheeks. Elizabeth could only gape at the vampire in front of her. She's never seen either of them cry before. It was such a sight. But she knew why, the pain of losing their mate. She didn't know how that would feel. But she knew it must feel horrible.

She watched as the both of them walked away from her. And walked towards the waters. She wrapped her arms around her. Trying to keep herself warm. But inside, she felt so so cold. Her human heart was pounding against her chest. It felt pain, so much pain. Of knowing that she would most likely never see Rosa again. She could feel her own tears rolling down her cheeks. She could still remember the sight of Rosa smile. Her warm smile. That would make anyone smile. Little Rosa.

Lost at sea.

Even though what she was. She knew, she knew there was no coming back from that. She was trapped inside of her own prison. She sobbed as she thought of little Rosa, the little girl that had done nothing wrong in her life. The little girl that brightened her day. That made her smile. She didn't deserve what happened to her. She clenched her eyes closed. She felt more tears roll down her cheeks like a waterfall. Little Rosa. The little girl that brightened the house full of vampires. Gone. She was gone. And it was her fault. Despite what the two had said. It was her fault.

And her last words were her name. Yelling out for help. She was yelling out for help. She was yelling out to her for help. She did nothing to help her. The little girl she adored, was gone. How could she live with knowing that she could have saved Rosa? How could she live a life without the little girl in her life? She hadn't known Rosa for long. But the little girl had grown on her. And now, now the little ray of sunshine is gone. Just like that.

And it was her fault.

It was her fault that Rosa was gone. If only they had shared rooms. But no, they hadn't and now, now she's gone. And she could take nothing back. She let out a sob.

It was her fault.

Her fault that she's gone.

She's gone.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now