Sookie's House

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Rosa's POV

"Are you sure it's okay I stay in here, isn't your brother going to need to sleep in his bed?", I asked Sookie. But she just gave me a smile. "It's okay, Jason comes and goes. If he needs somewhere to sleep, he can always sleep on the couch. I'm pretty sure he'll be okay with it, seeing as your pregnant and need a soft and not some lousy couch to sleep on", she told me. I could feel the warmth in my chest. We didn't know each other very well. But she was a good friend. To let me stay here while my husbands were MIA. I was still a bit sensitive about that. I still can't believe they left me.

Now I just have to worry about the birth. The babies have to be born in salt water. Just like I was. And if my husbands don't come around till after. Then I'll have to come up with something. Find a big enough pool and fill it with salt water. I sighed. My life is a shit show. Fuck me.

I just have Sookie a smile. "Thank you very much Sookie, I'm grateful you open your house up for me and my babies, it means a lot to me", I told her softly. She gave me another smile and patted my shoulder. "Things will work out, I know they will. They'll come around, I know they will. They, they're just shocked is all. I mean they've never heard of a vampire pregnancy, it wasn't possible for them until now, so they're probably getting their shit together", she told me. I smiled and nodded hesitantly. I sniffled and looked around the room. Smelled like a man. Smelled like Jason. I wrinkled my nose at the other scent I could smell. Gross. But it'll do. It's better then being on the streets. Because I know for sure my mother and my nest wouldn't believe me. No matter how much I try to convince them. They'll never believe me. They didn't believe Dr. Ludwig, what makes you think they'll believe me?

They'll probably think I laid with another man. Even though I never have and I never will. I will always and forever be faithful to them. But for now, I guess it's just me, the babies and Sookie.

I can do this.

I think.

I mean I'm over a hundred years old. I can take care of myself. I know I can. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself and my babies. We'll be just fine. I know we will. I'm going to be one hell of a mother to two little ones. And I'm going to rock at it.


The room was nice. I had just taken a nice shower. So I felt better. I may have cried in the shower. But no one needed to know that piece of information but me. I may be strong. But I do have weaknesses.

I laid on the bed. I rubbed my barely viable belly. I'm surprised I have blown up yet. Maybe it has to do with me being a mermaid. Who knows. I don't know much about my kind, but I do read a lot about them. I only wish I knew my mother. She would know what to do. They explained to me what happened that night. What really happened. Why my mother abandoned me. She didn't want to. But due to her breeding with a human, her people were going to kill her. She put me on land so I could live. So I could meet my husbands. And have my babies.

"We'll be just fine, I know we will. It's just going to be a little harder then I thought it was going to be. But I'm your mother and I will rock at it, and you'll have the best life. I promise you, I love you both so much", I whispered to my babies. I rubbed the bump softly. I loved my babies. They were apart of me and apart of them. And even though they weren't here with me. I may be majorly pissed at them. But they were the fathers of my children. I still loved them. But damn, did they have to leave? I can't go to any of family. Because none of them would fucking believe me! God and I thought human pregnancies were tough.

"I'm going to get you anything and everything little babies like you need. A crib, clothes, toys, everything. I may be new at this. But I'm going to totally rock at being a mother. You'll just have to bare with me, yeah? Your fathers are idiots, but they're good men and I love them. Hopefully they come around. Preferably before you are born. But who knows?", I whispered. I wasn't crazy. I was talking to my children. And I hear that the babies can hear you outside of the womb. So they can hear what I was saying. And if my husbands do come around, they're going to need to work on their language, well, mostly just Eric.

But I really do hope they come around. I need them. I need them to be here to help me.

I sighed and got up from the bed. Don't judge me. But I was still naked after the shower. But I didn't feel like getting dressed until now. I rummaged through my things, and found a nightie.

Oooooo! I like this one! It had stars and moons on them.

I slipped it on and I sighed as I felt the clothing touch my warm skin

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I slipped it on and I sighed as I felt the clothing touch my warm skin. It was awfully hot tonight. I walked over to the window and opened it. I sighed again as the breeze came in and hit me. I was thankful that I went a little bit of shopping. I needed maternity clothes. If I was going to get big. I would like to have clothes that would actually fit me.

I let out a yawn. Oh dear. I guess I was tired. I sniffled and walked over to the light switch. I turned it off. And then I walked over to the bed. It still smelled funky. But I can get used to it. I mean it's a bed. I was just grateful I had one to sleep on for awhile. Who knows where I would be if Sookie didn't let me stay here. I didn't bother to get under the covers. But I did place a hand on my bump. It was small. For now. But the babies will be growing, soon. "Goodnight my darlings, I love you", I whispered to them.

I laid my head down on the pillow and slowly let myself fall asleep. My hand never leaving my stomach. I slept the day away. Waiting for it to be night once more. Hopefully my husbands come to their senses. Or else I'm screwed.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now