I'm going home

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1917 (47 years old)

Rosa's POV

Tired. Hungry. Cold. All the above. And I'm lost. I think.

Haven't ate since yesterday. Broke into someone's house for food. I had to. Been too long since I last had food. Even longer without them. My family. It's been five years. I'm now forty seven years old and look like a ten year old. Just the thought of being so close to getting home was the only thing on my mind.

I wonder what they're doing right now?

What was Eric doing?

What was Godric doing?

What was mommy doing?

What was Lizzie doing?

What was Stan doing?

Did Pammy come home?

She hasn't been home in ages. I miss her.

Just the thought of going home and seeing her, brought hope to my small body. I had to keep going, even if that meant going through peoples houses and sleeping behind houses and in dark alleyways. If that meant going home to my family. No matter how tired I was, how hungry I was, or how cold I was. I was going to get home one way or another.

I stumbled in the shadows. My tired eyes looking all over the place. Making sure nothing came out and got me. I didn't fear the dark, since I basically lived in the dark. But sometimes in the shadows, lived the evil ones. The ones that take little girls. The ones that hurt girls and do unmistakable things to them. A cold shiver ran down my spine just thinking about it. I rubbed my shoulders to keep me warm. I tried hiding in the shadows so no one would see me. I whimpered at the hunger that was in my stomach. I sighed and wiped my runny nose. I hope I'm not getting sick. I hate getting sick.

I then sneezed. Oh definitely. I'm definitely getting sick. Great. Just what I need. I sniffled and wiped my nose again. "I hate it, I hate it out here. I just wanna go home", I mumbled. I just wanted Eric and Godric. I wanted to be in their safe and warm arms. Even if they were cold. They made me feel warm with their love. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes at the thought. I sniffled again. I just wanted to go home. I leaned against a wall and sniffled. I let out a sob as I cried. I was scared, I was tired and I was hungry. I was all the damn above and I wanted to be home.

Five long years. It felt like forever and eternity. Without my family. It felt like hell.

But soon enough, I found out I wasn't exactly as lucky as I once was. I felt arms wrap around my legs roughly. Pinning me to the wall. I felt cold icy fingers tilt my head to the side. I let out a loud cry as I felt fangs trace lightly against the skin of my neck. I was so scared. I didn't want to die again. I wasn't ready to die again. I was this close to getting home. "Please! Please don't hurt me! Please! I just wanna go home!", I yelled at the mysterious person that was going to take a bite out of my neck. I shivered. I didn't want to be someone's snack or dinner.

But the moment I opened my mouth. The person stopped. I froze. What were they doing? Were they playing a trick on me? Playing with me before making me their dinner. I sniffled and let a few tears roll down my cheeks. "Please, I don't want to die. Please, I just want to go home. Please don't hurt me", I begged the person. And soon enough, the person came into the light. And I gasped. It couldn't be. It mustn't. I couldn't believe my eyes. I must be dreaming or hallucinating. It couldn't be.

Shock was all that was written on their face. Disbelief in their eyes. "Rosa? Is that you?", she asked me. I felt tears well up in my eyes, but this time they were happy tears. A smile lit up on my face. A very happy smile. "Pammy!", I yelled happily. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She just stayed frozen in her stance. It did take her a few minutes to really know what was happening. But I didn't mind. I had my pammy with me.

I felt her cold arms wrap around me. She held me tightly and close to her chest. I could feel my shirt getting wet. Was.........was pammy crying? She never cries. Whoa. She was. I gripped her shirt in my hands. Tightening into fists. She then pulled away, her cheeks were covered in blood tears. She cupped my cheeks with her hands. "What.........how? We.........we all thought you were dead. How-How are you alive?", she stuttered. I've never seen her stutter or cry before. It was all so new to me. Her thumbs caressed my cheeks softly. I leaned into her palms. It was the most familiar touch I've felt in the last five years.

I could feel my eyes welling up again. I sniffled and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. "I don't know, I thought I was dead too. But I ended up washing up ashore somewhere in Washington DC. Ever since then, I've been trying to get home, back to godric and Eric. I was so scared, so tired and so hungry pammy", I said as I let out a small sob. She brought me into another hug. She rubbed my back soothingly. "Shhh. It's okay darling, it's okay. I've got you, I've got you. Your okay now. I'm just glad it was me that found you. You were so brave darling, so brave. And now it's time we go on home", she said. My eyes lit up like Christmas.

I looked at her. "You mean, I get to go home? I get to go back to Eric, godric and mommy?", I asked her. She gave me a small smile. She placed a soft kiss to my forehead. "Of course darling. You were going the right way all along. It's like you knew", she said with a smile on her lips. I knew it, I just knew it. I was so close. I was so close to getting home. I was never lost. I just thought I was. But in reality I was going the right way all along.

I sniffled again. I was cold and I was catching a cold. I looked up at her again. "Can we go home now? Please?", I asked her. She nodded and brought me into her arms. "You know, once we do get home. Their not going to believe you, not at first", she said to me worryingly. I sighed sadly. "Yes, I know. But I'll just have to make them believe me", I told her. She chuckled. She placed another kiss on my forehead. "Always so wise, even for your age, you know once your back. They'll never let you out of their sight", she said. I giggled and shook my head. "I know, and I would like nothing more", I said. I then nuzzled into her neck as she sped away from the dirty and cold alleyway.

I was finally going home.

I'm coming home.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now