Dr. Ludwig

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Rosa's POV


Ugh! Turn it off! Let me sleep! It's too damn early for this shit. Let me sleep a little bit longer. I turned over and huffed in annoyance. I didn't like the fact that my sleep was being Interrupted. Let me sleep damn it. And I'll think of not killing you for ruining my slumber.


I whined, I didn't like this. I just wanted my sleep damn it. That's all I ask for. I tried pulling the shredded sheets over me. So maybe whoever was knocking. Would just go away. I heard two chuckles come from besides me. I whined again. "Make them for away", I whined. I just wanted to sleep a little longer. Please. "I'll see who it is", Godric said as he got up from the bed. No! Don't go! Stay! I whined and tried to pull him back in the bed with me. But it was no use. He was too far from me. I grunted and snuggled into Eric. Who chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled against his naked chest as he kissed the top of my head. Mmmmm. Mine.

I heard the door open. "Oh Dr. Ludwig, what a surprise?", Godric said. I didn't think of anything at first. Not really paying attention. I just wanted to go back to bed. That's all I wanted right now. "Figures, smells like sex and vampires. Very obvious of what happened here", I heard Dr. Ludwigs voice come into the room. I scrunched up my nose, and then slowly let my eyes flutter open. What's the hub bub? Why is she here?

"Not that we're happy to see you Dr. Ludwig, but why are you here?", Eric asked. I huffed. Yeah right. She doesn't like vampires. From what I've seen. "I'm here for your wife, vampire", she said. Oh great. That's right. She was supposed to come sooner or later. I guess it was the sooner rather then the later. Great. I guess everything is just going to be blurted out. Just what I needed. Great.

"Rosa is fine, did she call you?", Godric asked. Well in a sense, I did. But not because I was injured. I sighed and slowly raised up from my position. I wrapped the covers around my naked body. My husbands may not mind flashing off their nakedness, but I do. Dr. Ludwig looked at me with a raised eyebrow. As if she was asking me a question. "You haven't told them yet?", she asked me. I sighed and sat up straighter. Here we go. "Tell us what?", Eric asked as he wrapped an arm around me. Bringing me closer to his side.

Wait a second. Is that? It is? I sniffed the air. It is.

I looked back at Dr. Ludwig. Who saw me looking at her. And she knew why I was staring at her. She rolled her eyes. And started to rummage through her bag. "I'm surprised you didn't help yourself", she said as she threw me a bottle. I caught it as it was still in mid air. I opened it and smelled it. Ah. Delicious. Or maybe that's just the cravings. Definitely the cravings.

But damn it, AB negative blood smells so damn good right now.

I wrapped my lips around the neck of the bottle and started to gulp it down. "What is that? What did you give her?", Godric asked her. He sped over to my side. I let up for a second and let out a pleased sigh. It tasted so good. I'm pretty sure they can tell what's on my lips. They are vampires and have one hell of a sense of smell. "Blood? AB negative blood? But you don't like human blood. Rosa, what's going on? What aren't you telling us?", Eric rambled on and on. And he only did that when he was confused or nervous.

I played with the bottle that was filled with blood. I was nervous. "Dr. Ludwig, you seem to know what this is about, what are you guys not telling us?", Godric demanded. He didn't ask, he was demanding now. And you did not want to mess with him when he gets demanding. I looked back at Dr. Ludwig. Who looked back at me. I then looked back at the bottle. Not wanting to meet either of my husbands eyes. I didn't want to see their reactions.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now