Forever And Eternity

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Rosa's POV

Let's just say I was able to find a place that I would be safe. I'm pretty sure I'm mentioned knowing a few witches before, right? Yeah, I think so. I've known them for quite awhile, so I trusted them. They knew who I was married to, but they didn't kick me out the minute I arrived at their door step. But they were quite shocked about the whole pregnancy, even they, like Dr. Ludwig had known there were only so many vampire pregnancies. Again, mermaids don't come out of the water, so there is only so many of them on land. Which I'm kinda glad about. But I knew more would come for me, after finding out about the babies, they would come for us. And I only hope I can fight them off. I mean, if they can team up with vampires, who knows who else they can team up with. But for now, I know I'm safe.


Dreaming was always my favorite thing. Because they were of them, my husbands. Always. And tonight was no different. But I didn't know wether this dream was a good dream or just a nightmare. Seeing as they left me, still not knowing if they loved me anymore.

Flashback to 58 years ago;

The night was perfect, the waves were gently crashing against the land. Everything was perfect, just perfect. Because I was with them. Tonight was special, it was no ordinary night. It was our wedding night. And it was perfect. I stood there in my dress, and they stood in their best clothes they had. But I didn't care what they were wearing, just as long as they were here with me. I wouldn't even mind they stood there naked, seeing as I've seen them naked before. But I couldn't be happier to be here with them, to see the love they had for me in their eyes. The happiness that I had put there.

"Are you sure you want to do this my love? Would you give up the ability to see the sun, to have children, to be with us? You can change your mind", Godric asked me. His voice sounded so sad, as if he thought I would leave him, just for the feel of the sun on my skin and the ability to have children. But honestly I would give all that up for them. Because I loved them more then anything.

'A dangerous plan, just this time
A stranger's hand clutched in mine
I'll take this chance, so call me blind
I've been waiting all my life
Please don't scar this young heart'

I knew I would go to the ends of the world for them. To be with them. I knew they were it for me. And no one or anything was gonna change that. Forget the sun on my skin, forget having children, I wouldn't change a thing, as long as I was with them. My heart and soul was there's the night we met. I was theirs and they were mine.

I cupped both of their cheeks, a loving smile on my lips as I stared at both the men I loved more then anything in the world. "My loves, I would change nothing, because I am here, beside you, even if it means not feeling the sun on my skin, or the ability to have children of my own. I don't care, because I am here with you. I am always here with you, by your side. As long as you'll take me. I'm forever Yours, always. And I would love nothing more then to spend eternity with you", I whispered to them.

I knew from the moment I was able to, that I was made for them, made to love them always. No matter what.

'Just take my hand
I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you'

The both of them stared at me for a second, but neither of them seemed hesitant anymore. Godric took my hand in his, gripping it tightly before placing a loving kiss to the back of it. "Its an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are. I've been waiting for what seems like a eternity to get beyond what I am. But with you my love I feel like I can finally begin. No measure of time with you will be long enough, but let us begin with forever", he told me. This man was bearing his soul out to me, I could feel my eyes watering and a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I've always known that he loved me. With or without words. I knew he loved me. And that he would love me forever, just as I would love him forever.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now