Holy Shit

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Third person POV (The next night)

Rosa woke up with a stir as the cool night air nipped at her skin. She shivered slightly. She moaned softly and moved around, trying to get her limbs up and working again. The day time has a lot of hours, so her limbs were still a little stiff. She ran her fingers on her eyes. And she yawned. She smacked her lips and slowly fluttered her eyes open. It was a bit blurry. But for a split second she thought she almost saw Eric and Godric. But her hopes were foiled. She could feel her eyes water slightly. She sighed in sadness.

She slowly got up and stumbled across the floor. Still half asleep, she made her way down the stairs. She had to grab hold of the rail so she wouldn't stumble down the stairs. It's only happened to her once this week. She didn't need a repeat. Well, it wasn't completely her fault. She was pushed down the stairs. But she really didn't want another repeat. She walked down the stairs, but stopped once she got to the bottom of the steps. She was already out of breath. Holy shit. What was that about? She shrugged. It must be because she was still half asleep.

She made her room around the house. Until she got to the kitchen. She could already hear voices. Two men and Sookie. She let out a breath of air. Here goes nothing. She walked into the kitchen. She saw Sookie, Jason and Willy. Wait no, Bill. It took them a few seconds to see that she was in the room with them. But it was Jason who blurted something out. "Holy shit, that's one big mama", he blurted out. But as he said that, he was slapped behind the head. Hard. But his sister.

Rosa scrunched her eyebrows. Wondering what he meant by that. But he noticed that they weren't looking at her, but at her stomach. She looked down and saw what they were looking out. Her eyes widened. Holy shit was right. "Holy shit", she whispered to herself. Just yesterday she didn't look like she was showing. She sure was now.

She was huge! Holy shit! Holy shit! She ran her hand up and down her belly

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She was huge! Holy shit! Holy shit! She ran her hand up and down her belly. Her bump was much bigger then it once was. Way bigger then yesterday. She looked at them in shock. "What in the seven hells?", she said to them. She saw Bill looking at her weird. "It must be due to the babies vampire side. But I'm not sure, I've never heard of this before. Before today I thought it was impossible", he told her. Rosa scuffed. "Your telling me, I didn't even think it was possible. Not until I did my own research, and of course went to Dr. Ludwig, but, I guess none of that was enough for my husbands, who knows what they think of me now. Who knows, they might think I cheated or something. Gods, I'm fat and I'm crying! Fucking Hormones!", she said as she felt tears streaming down her cheeks. She didn't like this. Her hormones were out of wack and she did not like it one bit.

She sniffled and walked out of the kitchen. Making her way to the living room. Now that she noticed, she was waddling. How did she not notice that when she woke up? "Rosa, wait. Here, Dr. Ludwig stopped by with your usual. If I didn't know any better, I would think she had a soft spot for her", Sookie told her. She was trying to cheer the hormonal woman up. Who knows what she would do, cry or get angry. She passed the bottle of blood over to Rosa. Who sniffled and gently grabbed the bottle from Sookie. "Thank you Sookie, speaking of Dr. Ludwig, I've known her a long time. I've known here since she was eighteen years old. So that would mean I've known her for forty four years. It's hard looking younger then everyone, you, the others, Dr. Ludwig, and everyone else that has passed on. Did you know I played catch with some of the kids on the Titanic? The last living child of the titanic, her name was Millvina Dean, she was very nice. But she died a few months ago. At the age of ninety seven. I'm the last living person to ever step foot on that ship, well if you don't count Elizabeth. We are the last living people to survive that terrible accident. But we can't tell anyone, in fear of people not believing us or worse, thinking we're crazy. A lot of people may think my life was full of sunshine and rainbows. But it was not, I've been through a lot, I've done a lot that I'm not proud of. And I guess my karma is coming to bite me. I mean look at me now, my husbands left me, who knows what else will happen to me", she ranted on and on. She didn't even care that tears were streaming down her cheeks.

She sighed and took a big drink out of the bottle. Once she swallowed, she let out a little sigh. "It's hard being over a hundred years old, you see things, you do things, and you watch people grow up and die", she said as she wiped her cheeks. She didn't expect the arms that wrapped around her. But it wasn't unwanted. She leaned into the warm arms of Sookie. "Everything will be okay darlin', I know they will. Just give it time. I'm sure they'll be back soon. They're just getting all their stuff together before they do, it's not everyday you find out your going to be a father after thinking you would never be able to produce. But that doesn't give them an excuse for leaving. That part was their fault. Not yours. You can stay as long as you want. I can even go to the store and get one of those big pools and fill it with salt water for you, for when you give birth", Sookie told her soothingly. Rosa looked at her confused. How did she know about that?

But Sookie just smiled. "You aren't the only one to do their research, trust me. You and your babies will be fine, they'll be safe here. I promise. Now drink up, we have to go shopping before the night is up. We got baby clothes to look for", Sookie said with a smile on her lips. She patted Rosa on the shoulder gently. She then got up and ran upstairs to grab what she needed. Rosa smiled and took a long drink. Sookie really was a good friend. She didn't have to do all of this. But she did. And Rosa couldn't be more thankful then she was now.

She can do this.

She had help.

Even if it isn't with her husbands.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now