My baby

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Third person POV

Isobel hugged Rosa tightly to her chest. A little too tightly. But Rosa didn't mind it. Seeing as she was back in her mother's arms. The cold arms of her mother. The very same arms of those who held her since she was a babe. She didn't mind being in her mother's arms. Actually, she embraced them. Finally happy that she was in her mother's arms. She closed her eyes in content and just smiled and rested her head on her mother's Bosoms. "My baby, my sweet sweet baby. My baby, your really here, your real. My baby girl. My sweet child. Oh how mommy wished for this day to come. You have no idea how much I missed you", Isobel said as fresh blood tears rolled down her cheeks. Rosa didn't have to say a thing. She just knew by being in her mother's arms was enough. For the both of them.

She clenched her arms around her mother's shirt. Tightly in her fist. Happy to know she was really home, with her family. She could feel even some tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't dare keep them back. She let them free. So everyone in the house could smell the bittersweet smell of tears. "Mommy", she whispered. She felt her mother cup her from behind the head. Slowly caressing her hair. "You didn't forget about me", Rosa whispered to her mother. Her once most feared fear had never came true. She felt her head being pressed into her mother's chest. "Oh my baby, my girl. Mommy could never forget her baby. My sweet baby, mommy was never the same without you. Please, never leave me again", she begged her sweet child that was in her arms. She never wanted to let her go, in fear that her baby would disappear once she let go.

Rosa shook her head, well the best she could since her head was stuffed in her mother's chest. "Never again mommy. I'm not going anywhere", she whispered. But she knew everyone in the room could hear her.

Isobel just hugged the sweet child to her chest. Overjoyed to know she finally had her child back in her arms. Her hands mapping out every detail of her sweet child. No broken bones, a little bit of bruises. No cuts, which were good. Nothing seemed to be wrong with her. Good, that's good. Her child was okay, she was breathing and living, in her arms. She sniffled and breathed in the sweet scent of her daughter. For the past five years, were horrible. She never wanted to relive them ever again. And because of that, she is never letting her daughter leave this house unless it's with her, Lizzie, or godric and Eric. Never by herself. Not if she had a word about it. She won't risk the idea of having to lose her child once more. She never wanted to be given the news of her daughters passing, ever again. Even if Rosa won't like it, she is never to leave the house unsupervised. No if's or buts. In this she is the authority. Not godric, not Eric. No one.

She won't lose her baby again.

She opened her eyes to see both Eric and godric smiling softly at her. She didn't care if they saw the soft side of her. She finally had her baby back. The baby that she thought she lost, for five years. She gets to do this, she deserves to have her baby in her arms. Living and breathing. She didn't deserve thinking that her baby was dead at sea. She had her baby back in her arms. Her darling daughter. In everything but blood. But that did not change anything. She was her daughter in everything, she will stay that way. She has taken care of this child ever since she was a babe and she deserves to watch her grow up and live her life to the fullest.

She laid a hand on her daughters hair and closed her eyes in content. Knowing her baby was back with her. Her baby was her angel. Her sweet sweet Angel. She pressed a firm kiss to the side of her head. "My sweet baby, my angel. My everything", she whispered to her sweet daughter. She could feel Rosa's hand grip her shirt. She did not mind it at all. Just knowing her baby was in her arms once more. Was all she could think about. Her baby was home. Back in her arms. And she was safe. Safe and home. That's all she could think about. She opened her eyes once more when Rosa started to struggle in her arms. "I want to see sissy, can I go see Lizzie mommy? Please?", Rosa begged her mother. Isobel smiled warmly and lovingly at her daughter. "Of course sweetie, go ahead", she said as she softly and gently set her daughter back on the ground.

Her daughter gave her a full grin in thanks. "Thank you mommy", she whispered. And then she turned and ran towards Elizabeth. Who seemed to still be in her shock filled trance. She stumbled back once she felt Rosa throw herself at her. She shook her head and snapped out of her trance. She bent down to Rosa's height. Her eyes taking in the little girl she thought was dead. She couldn't believe it. She just couldn't. The little girl that she thought she lost. Was here, right in front of her. She didn't look like she aged at all. Maybe grown a little bit. But she still has those rosy cheeks, white as snow skin, her beautiful smile, and her beautiful dark brown hair. Her Rosa, her little sister, was right in front of her. She immediately wrapped her arms around her little sister and brought her in for a hug. A very tight hug. Elizabeth closed her eyes and just hugged the little girl as tightly as she could. She wished for this, for five years. She wished and wished and wished. And she got her wish. She finally got her wish, and she got it.

Then she pulled back slightly and got a good look at Rosa. "H-How? H-How is this possible?", she stuttered. Rosa giggled softly. "Oh you know me, you can't take me down for too long. I always come back, I think it's because of those yucky vegetables you guys make me eat. It helped me become strong and be able to come back home. I may not like veggies that much, but it made me very very strong", she said giggling as she hugged her sister as tightly as she could.

Rosa could tell her shirt was getting wet and she knew her sissy was crying. So she just hugged her as hard and tightly as she could. She knew her sissy was probably blaming herself for what happened to them. But it wasn't. "It wasn't your fault", she whispered to Lizzie. Lizzie let out a sob at her words. Just knowing those words that came out of her little sisters mouth, made her feel so much better. She never wanted to let go. She just wanted to hold on to her sister forever, maybe if she held on as long as she could. Maybe she wouldn't get hurt.

She picked Rosa up and spun her around. Making Rosa giggle in her arms. "Your never leaving this house, never ever. I won't let you go", she whispered to Rosa. Which only made Rosa giggle more. Rosa didn't mind never leaving the house. She was too scared to go back out in the scary big world. She was safer here. With her family. She wrapped her arms around her sisters neck and nuzzled against Lizzies neck. Inhaling her scent. She was so happy to know that she was home. With her family. She never wanted to leave. Lizzie finally set her down. Rosa laid a kiss on her sisters cheek lovingly. She showed her love, even without saying it. She showed everyone that she loves them. She giggled and turned around.

To see Stan looking at her. She tilted her head to the side and placed her hands on her hips. "You look extra grumpy today sir. What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me Stan? I'm not a witch. I don't have magical powers. The only magical thing about me is my tail", she sasses him. Stan scuffed at her. Rosa scrunched up her eyebrows. She walked over to him and poked his stomach. "Don't you scuff at me mister. I may not have been here for awhile, but that does not mean you get to be Stan the meanie again. I will slap you with my tail again if you continue to be a meanie", she said poking him again.

And what made her happy, was the tiny little smile that appeared on Stan's lips. He took off his hat and set it on her head. Which was a little too big for her. "Welcome back darlin', unfortunately for me, I did miss ya", he said with his southern drawl. Rosa giggled and hugged the big man that was in front of her. Stan awkwardly wrapped his arms around the much smaller person that was hugging him. Engulfing her into a hug. He let all of manhood go. He held her as tightly as he could. Letting him inhale her scent. She didn't smell like a witch. The itty bit of blood from her neck didn't smell of a witch. It smelled the same as it did before he lost her. It really was his person. His little 'Human'. He let a small smile light up on his lips. Happy to know she was back and was able to bring back peace and happiness back into the house that they lived in.

She was home and so was the peace that they've all missed.

She was never going to leave this house.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now