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Rosa's POV

I'm home! Texas was always home. After we left our first home. Texas had become our home very fast. And I was excited to be home to see my loves. I had missed them so much and can't wait to see them. I smiled happily as I made my way out of the airport. I saw a car already waiting for me. Seeing as I called ahead of time. I love how much this was going to be a surprise. Since I kinda lied to them saying that I couldn't make it. But they should know I would never miss our Anniversary for anything. They will always come first in my life. And they know it.

I shook my head as I carried my bags towards the car. The door was opened for me. "Thank you Steven", I told the driver. He was my regular driver when I came home. Since I did not trust anyone but my husbands now a days. Since people have known I was married to them. I have been for almost nine decades. And I trust Steven, because my husbands trust him. So I trust them. Steven only gave me a smile. "Good to see you back home Mrs. Northman", he said kindly to me. I giggled and nodded to him. "It's good to be home Steven, now off to the house. I have my husbands to surprise", I said. He chuckled and shook his head. He shut the door after I got comfortable in my seat. He got in the drivers seat and drove off from the airport.

I started to fidget. I never lied to them before. Not since I was a child and lied about eating my vegetables and brushing my teeth. But this was different. Would they be happy to see me? Of course they would? Right? I mean they were my husbands. I bit my lip in nervousness. I then let it go and breathed out. In and out. Calm. Calm. You are home. Going to see the loves of your life. Nothing bad is going to happen. Nothing is going to happen. I slowly opened my eyes and grabbed my phone from my bag. Seeing the text message I got from Eric. I am still surprised he has a cellphone, seeing as he acts like a old man most of the time.

But I loved him anyways. And I smiled at the cute message he sent me. "Happy Anniversary my love! I am sorry I can't be there to wish you a Happy Anniversary in person. I love you!", it was so cute. And I know for a fact that godric would never get a phone. No matter what century it is. He sees no need in it. I swear I'm married to the oldest man alive. Which I kinda man really, even if he does look like a teenager. I shook my head and put my phone down. I softly tapped my lap to pass the time. It has been five months and only speaking through the phone was not enough for me. I needed to see them, smell their scent, feel their kisses, their skin on mine.

I snapped out of my thoughts once I heart the sound of Steven's voice ringing in my ears. "Mrs. Northman, you are home", he said. I smiled at him through the tiny mirror that was up front. "Thank you Steven", I said to him kindly. I grabbed my purse and got out. I knew Steven or someone would get my bags for me later. I had two men to surprise. I got out of the car and strutted my way up the steps and driveway of my home. My heels making a clatter noise Against the concrete floor. A smile lit up on my pink lips. I was home. It smelled like home. I could see the lights on inside of the house. Of course they were. Seeing as our daytime is our nighttime. And our nighttime is daytime. I smiled again as I felt the walls of my home. Just the same as I left it. I sighed happily and punched in the code that I only knew, and so did the rest of my nest.

Once the door was opened after putting the code, facial scanner and finger print in. I made my way into the house. My heels making the clattering noise against the marble flooring. I smiled at hearing the sound of my husbands voice. I could hear them from the living room. I guess everyone was here. I made my way into the living room. Eric's back was to me and the others were facing him. So I got to see my mother and Stan. I smiled at them happily. Happy to see them. But they seemed pretty surprised to see me. Wait a second? Who's the blonde and the brunette? I haven't met them before?

"Eric?", I said. He turned around immediately. I saw shock written all over his face. I smiled at him. "Surprise?", I said as more of a question. He sped over to me and placed his hands on my upper arms. "Min älskling? I did not think you would be home, you told me that you could not make it home this year", he told me in surprise. I giggled and patted his cheek. I then noticed his hair, he had cut it. Mmm. I like it. "That's what a surprise is called, dear husband of mine. You know me, I would not miss our Anniversary for the world", I said placing a soft kiss to his lips. He cupped my cheek after getting over his surprise. His thumb caressed my cheek so softly. I could feel his love through the bond. I smiled in the kiss. I nearly moaned when I felt his tongue ask for permission to enter my mouth. But we were soon Interrupted. "Eric? Who is this?", I heard another female voice. We pulled away from the kiss. We turned to look at the blonde and the brunette man. I instantly knew that he was a vampire. By his appearance. But it was not me or Eric who has answered her. It was her vampire lover who did.

"She is Rosalyn Maya Northman. The wife to Eric and godric", he said. I smiled politely. I felt Eric wrap a arm around my waist. I leaned into him. "Going on 58 years today. But who's counting?", I said as I giggled. I giggled when I felt Eric kiss the top of my head. "58 years? She barely looks like she's eighteen", the blonde said. I giggled and shook my head. "I'm actually one hundred and thirty three this year", I said to her as I winked at her. I then turned to Eric. I gave him a playful stern look. "And when were you gonna tell me you were gonna cut your hair? Aww, I loved your hair long. But it looks even better cut, so I'm not complaining", I said as I ran a hand through his short locks. He smirked at me. "I knew You would my love", he said to me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Tease", I whispered to him. He just wiggled his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes again and pushed my hand against his cute face. I swear sometimes. I turned and saw my mother and Stan. A big smile on my face now that I had seen them.

"Mama! Stan", I said. I walked over to them. I wrapped my arms around my mother. Happy to see her. I felt her arms wrap around me. "Oh my child, it is so good to see you home my love. I have missed you", she said. I leaned my cheek against her upper arm. Seeing as I was short. I was shorter then godric and that was saying something. "I missed you as well mama, I'm sorry I've been away for so long", I said as I pulled back. But she only patted my head softly. "The good thing is, your home, your safe and not harmed at all", she said with a smile on her lips. "It is good to be home mama. I was actually getting quite homesick", I told her. I then turned to look at Stan. "Are you still being grumpy Stan? Terrorizing the humans again?", I asked him as I raised a eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Good to see you too shortie", he said as he wrapped a arm around my shoulders and gave me a hug. I giggled and hugged him back. "Good to see you too Stan", I said giggling softly. I pulled back after a second. But then I noticed softly almost immediately. "Godric? Where is he? Where is my husband?", I asked them. I got no answer. I gave them all stern looks. I put my hands on my hips. "Don't make me ask again. Where. Is. My. Husband?", I said through gritted teeth.

I was pissed. They were keeping something from me and it had something to do with godric and I had a bad feeling it wasn't something good. I flashed my eyes at my husband. "Eric, Säga mig nu", I demanded of him in Swedish. (Eric, tell me now). He tried to look at everything but me. I growled under my breath. I marched over to him. I gripped him by his chin. "Look at me when you are speaking to me Eric. I am in no gaming mood now, what has happened to godric and where is he?", I growled at him. He sighed and looked back at me. "My love", he whispered softly. But I just gave him a stern look. He sighed again. "He is missing. I believe he was taken", he said. I nearly stumbled back in surprise. My eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

My husband.

Who is two thousand years old.

Was taken?

How is that possible?

I stumbled over my words after hearing those words come from his lips. "What?", I asked him.

If I knew my husband, I knew godric would never let himself get taken. Something must have happened. And I was going to find out, and I was going to find him and bring him home.

God if it were possible. The two of them would give me grey hairs for stressing and worrying about them too much.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now