Laundry Gone Wrong

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Rosa's POV

I hummed as I gathered all of my clothes into the hamper. I have no idea what I was humming. But it sounded catchy. It was a bit hard to do things around here since I was pregnant and all. But I was able to do my own damn laundry thank you very much. Even though Sookie, Jason and surprisingly Bill didn't want me to do anything. If I didn't do anything, I would go out of my damn mind. I needed something to do. And if it's just my laundry, then I'll do that. It's my own damn clothes and if they're dirty, I'm gonna wash them.
I can't just sit on my ass all day. I needed something to do.

So I continued to put my dirty clothes into the hamper that I was going to carry downstairs. It wasn't too heavy, I made sure of that. I'm not an idiot. I know what I should carry and what I shouldn't. Once I was done gathering all of my clothes, I picked it up, it was easy to carry because there wasn't much clothes in there. I would have to come back up and get the rest. But I didn't mind. I hummed some more and slowly made my way towards the stairs. One step at a time. And at first things were fine. I had full confidence in myself that I could get downstairs by myself.

But maybe I had a little too much confidence in myself. I should have known not to wear socks while going downstairs. My eyes widened the minute I felt my right foot slip off the step, and suddenly I was going air borne. I gasped and suddenly I was falling forward. I knew the landing wasn't going to be very pretty. But hey, this was going to be a lesson to learn.

Never wear socks while going downstairs.

They are a death trap.

But just before I hit the hard ground, I felt arms wrap around me. And at first I felt breathless, I had thought I was going to eat shit, but somehow someone caught me. And I have a feeling who it was. I lifted my head up and saw who it was. And I was correct. It was Bill. His eyes were full of concern. A permanent frown on his lips. "Are you okay, Rosa?", he asked me. His voice laced with concern. But I did something that he probably expect me to do. I burst out laughing. And I'm pretty sure he thought I was crazy. And most of the time, I think I am. "Yeah.......I'm fine..........just remind me later on.........don't wear socks going down the stairs", I said in between giggles.

I laughed even more when he raised a eyebrow at me. But I just thought it was funny. He set me down lightly on my feet. "Are you sure your okay?", he asked me. I waved my hand at him. "Don't worry about it, just my clumsy self. I noticed I've gotten a bit more clumsy after getting as big as I am", I told him. He slowly nodded. "Just as long as your okay, no rushing things, okay?", he told me. It was kinda sweet that he worried about me. I gave him a small smile, and then I picked up my hamper. I picked up the clothes that had fallen on the floor, it was kinda hard seeing as I couldn't really bend down, but I was able to manage. I smiled at him once more. "Thank you Bill, saved me from feeling like a total dumbass. Although I'm starting to feel like one anyway", I said as I shook my head at my own foolishness. But what surprised me, was the fact that he smiled at me. He actually smiled at me. He actually looked nice with a smile. Not my type. But nice. "Just take care of yourself Rosa", he told me softly. I just nodded my head. I gave him another smile in thanks.

Still can't believe I was a dumbass and wore freaking socks while going down the stairs. But can you really blame me? My feet were cold! You can't really blame me for having cold feet! But I still feel like a dumbass for falling down the stairs. But the good thing is, that I didn't fall and eat shit. I basically flew down them, sort to speak? Seeing as good ole Bill caught me. So I was good as rain. So back to me doing my laundry. I need to wash them. I was already running out of clothes and that was a no no. I need clothes, just in case, especially when the babies come.

So I walked into the laundry room and started piling my clothes in the washer. I started to hum again. I kinda acted like I didn't almost fall down the stairs and ate shit. And I really hope Bill didn't say anything to Sookie or Jason. They've kinda been like mother hens lately. I don't know why. But it's kinda nice. To have other people care about me, I mean I've had people care about me. But I kinda felt alone since my husbands ran away from me and I couldn't exactly go to my family. They would shun me for having these babies. They would believe my husbands over me. Seeing as a pregnancy like this has never happened before. But I wasn't alone. I had Sookie, Jason and Bill. And I had Dr. Ludwig that came time to time. To check on me and the babies. But it kinda made me homesick. I missed my family. And I missed my husbands. Even if they did run away from me. I still missed them like crazy. And I was sad that they were missing out on all the babies growth. I don't exactly understand why they left, but I kinda do. They've never seen this happen before. But we've never actually been that far for long. Yes, when I went away, we didn't see much of each other. But they weren't angry with me like they were now. They were the ones that left. Not me. I'm not the one at fault. They are. Or so I think. Right?

I didn't know what to believe.

I don't exactly have my mother to help me out on this. Either of them. Ones dead, and the other one probably wouldn't want to help me get through this. But at least I'm not alone. I have my friends.

Loving you was a miracle (not a mistake) godric and Eric LSWhere stories live. Discover now