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I woke up Sunday morning in my room. I checked the clock to see it was 10:49 am. I yawned and sat up tiredly. I stretched for a minute before getting up and out of bed. I put on a pair of black leggings and a sports bra with multiple thin straps making a nice pattern on my back. I then put on an off the shoulder light pink knit sweater. I put my hair up in a ponytail. 

It was the perfect lazy day outfit in my opinion. I walked out of my room and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to find Ava eating a bowl of cereal while Auntie Clara nurses a cup of tea.

"Morning A bear," I say, placing a kiss on the top of Ava's head. "Morning Auntie Clara."

"Good morning Bree" Auntie Clara says. 

I smile while grabbing the bread package and putting some in a toaster. I then start to heat up some water. I grab a plate down and take out the peanut butter. Once I hear the toast pop I place it onto my plate and lather it with peanut butter. 

I use the hot water to make hot chocolate and grab my plate. I move to the island and eat my food. Once I'm done I help Auntie Clara with the dishes. Mum comes sometime during me and Auntie Clara talking and makes herself some tea.

"Where is Toby?" I ask Auntie Clara just as I finish drying the last plate. 

"He went out this morning." She explained. "Should be back soon."

I nodded and put the wet rag out to dry. "Thanks."

I walk downstairs and towards Toby's room. I lay down against his gaming chair and spin a bit. I get bored quickly though and look around Tobs room for something interesting. 

I stand up and grab one of the few books he has on a shelf and flip through the first few pages. It is about Minecraft. I laugh as I look at the different explanations for everything. It was like a guide book that had a bunch of helpful tips and crafting recipes. 

I hear steps approach and look up at the door as it swings open. I was expecting it to only be Toby but I was completely wrong. 

I watch as Toby enters and then another boy along with him. My eyes widen and I sit up straight. The boy has blond hair that is long enough to hit his eyebrows if he brushed it down. He had pale blue eyes and was wearing a red t-shirt and some jeans. 

Everything seems to go in slow motion as they register my presence. I can feel the shock on my own face. They both freeze at the door, unsure of what to do. Why was Toby bringing a friend over? How did he already know somebody? A minute passes before the blond speaks up.

"Well, I found Woman." 

It then clicks. That's. Oh. My. God. That's Tommy. 

My heart rate increases and my eyes dart between both boys. I finally keep my gaze locked on Toby for him to tell me if that's who I think it is. He looks shocked as he looks between both of us, mumbling a bit. I immediately regret my decision for waiting for Toby in his room. Now I had accidently run into Tommy. 

"Oh my god," I mumble. Though I wasn't entirely sure if I said it in real life or in my head.

Oh my god. Tommy was right in front of me. I finally know what Tommy looks like. There was no way for me to avoid meeting him now, he was right in front of me. Ugh, I'm stupid. It's so much harder now that he is an actual person. I bury my head in my hands to try and block out their stares.

"Bee?" Toby asked and I looked up at both of them. Tommy raised a brow and looked between both of us.

"Bee?" He chuckled. 

I glared at him. This was not happening. Nope nope. I refuse to believe it is. I did not meet Tommy for the first time in yoga pants. That just made the situation five times worse.

"Oh my god," I mumbled again before getting up. I pace around the room while rubbing my hands against my face. I knew they were both watching me.

"Since when is Woman at your house?" I hear Tommy ask. 

"We live together," Toby answered.

 I stopped and turned to them.

"I've got to go now," I say before squeezing past the both of them. I fast-walked straight out of the basement. I headed straight to my room where I closed my door. I went to my bed and flopped down on the crumpled sheets. 

"UGH." I groan loudly. 

I met Tommy. What the fuck was going through my head. That was the worst reaction possible. 

I know I messed up that entire interaction. My hands shake and I hold them between my legs to keep them from shaking more. My face is buried in my pillows as I get mad at myself. I needed to talk to someone and Toby was with Tommy downstairs.

I looked through my contacts until I reached Clay's number. I called it and tried to hold it against my ear without shaking too badly.

"Hello?" Clay's voice said through the phone.

"C-clay?" I stuttered.

"Bree, is everything okay?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"H-he's... in my house." I manage the last part without too much difficulty.



I hear a wheeze from the other side of the phone.

"Not helping," I say, annoyed, before sitting up and looking out the window.

"I'm sorry, but you called me because Tommy showed up at your house?" He laughs.

"No. Tommy is in my house."


"Toby let him in. Then I met him."

"How did it go?"


"What happened?"

"He said 'Well, I found Woman.'" I groan. I hear Clay laugh on the other end of the phone. "Then I had the bright idea of freaking out and then leaving the room."

"That is horrible," he says, trying to keep his laughter down.

"That's what I've been telling you."

"Well, are you going to talk to him again?"

"No!" I almost shout.


"You know why."

"You're going to have to talk to him eventually."

I sigh and lean my back against the wall next to my bed. "So I just go down there and strike up a conversation?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, pretty much." He says ignoring my sarcasm. I sigh and hold my head in my hand.

"Fine." I sigh before

"Good luck," Clay says through the phone before I hang up.

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now