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I walk upstairs and leave the guys in the room. I needed some air if I was going to stay calm about this. Staying in that stuffy room with both guys looking at me wasn't helping. Not that it was their fault. I thought that it was actually good timing to tell me. Before I would have freaked out too much, now I was getting used to being out of my comfort zone. Like when I have to talk to Toms in real life.

I pass the kitchen and slip on some shoes. I open the door and walk towards the sidewalk next to the river. I fidget with the hem of my shirt sleeve as I walk down the side of the river. I don't really know how long I'm going to walk but I know it will be until I've cleared my mind and come to terms with what I've been told. 

I think about the fact that Toby was famous. Part of me is proud of him for doing something great and another part of me is worried. I don't even want to think about if I had accidently been in one of them. I had walked into his room while he worked on multiple occasions. 

Had my face been shown? Had I spoken to thousands of people? Had Toby given away who his family was on the internet? Could his being famous be linked to me and then making me known? Because I didn't want to be known. 

I decided I needed to think about something else as I was starting to get panicky. I stopped next to the railing surrounding the river and leaned against it. Looking down to see the waves crashing up against the side of the road and soaking my feet. It seemed the water level was high this morning. 

I stayed there for a while, memorizing the waves and their patterns. I took in a breath every time a new one splashed the edge of the road and exhaled once it pulled away. It was a good strategy and after a few minutes, I was calm. 

I looked to see the sky grey and cloudy. I knew it would rain later so I couldn't stay there forever. But that didn't mean I had to go back now. I stayed for a while longer before I heard someone walk up behind me. I stayed how I was, hoping the stranger would just walk right past me.

But of course, they stopped walking and stood next to me behind the railing. I looked over to see the stranger and realized it wasn't a stranger at all. It was Toms. I immediately looked away when he turned and looked at me. 

It felt weird knowing that he was famous. That and he would probably start up a conversation to which I didn't know I could talk about the whole Minecraft Youtuber thingy. 

"Toby was getting worried you know." He commented, putting his hands in his pockets and keeping his gaze on the river. I didn't answer right away and he continued. "You've been gone for two hours."

I sighed. I knew I had been gone for a while but I hadn't thought it was that long. "I needed to think," I told him.

"So..." He started. "Know that you've thought about it what do you think?"

"Your so impatient." I laughed. 

"I waited two hours."

I shook my head and turned to him. "So your famous."

"I am." He grinned proudly.

"So is Toby."


"What does that mean though? Do you have to like have to wear sunglasses and hats to make yourself less noticeable? How do you go to school?" I asked, the questions tumbling out, one after the other.

"No one at school really finds out since they don't watch Minecraft streamers." He says.

"So you don't get recognized?"

"Sometimes. Depends where we are."

"What about Toby?"

"Same with him."

"How do thousands of people watch you play Minecraft? For fun though?"

"Hey!" he shouts, clearly exaggerating how insulted he feels.

I roll my eyes. "Try spending an entire day with yourself and you'd understand."

"Your unbelievable woman."

I laugh and he chuckles before I turn back to the sidewalk. 

"Let's get back before Toby starts to worry," I tell him as I start to walk. Though the few second headstart does nothing for me because his long strides catch up to me in no time. We walk silently for a bit before Toms starts talking. 

"So you never suspected anything?" He asks.

"No, I feel stupid." I sigh.

"You're not stupid," Toms says like it's obvious.


"It wasn't a compliment, by the way, just the truth."

"Of course it wasn't." I roll my eyes and smile. 

Soon we reach the house and I enter it, looking to see who's in the living room and kitchen. I take off my shoes and enter the living room. I see Toby with Ava watching some tv show that I'm not familiar with. 

"I'm back," I say as I walk over to where Ava is. I pick her up and place her on my lap as she watches her show intently. 

"So how you feel about it?" Toby asks, turning slightly to face me. 

I hesitate but then say. "I'm okay with it. Of course I am. It's just I want to not be in anything. I might in the future but not now."

"That's great." He exclaims.

"Yeah, I can't believe I haven't freaked out that bad."

He nods. "Where did you go for your walk?"

"Along the river."

I hear someone else come in and I think it's Toms. Ava crawls off my lap since the tv is now off and goes over to the side. I look over to see her hugging Toms. I smile and turn back to Toby who is looking over my shoulder at them also.

"So when you say your working?" I ask.

"I'm streaming Minecraft." He confirms.

"Are we being too loud?" I ask, afraid about the noise we make while he works. 

Toby shakes his head. "No, it doesn't pick up on much other than the sound in my room and my voice."

"Okay then."

"So your good?"


He smiles and moves out of the living room, calling for Toms to follow him. Ava turns to me and brings her puzzle across the table and closer to where I am. I watch Toms and Toby leave before I help Ava undo and redo the puzzle.

A/n: Sorry for the time between updates. We're starting to see Bee and Tommy get a bit closer now!

thanks for some of these lovely people who vote/comment @WhyAmIHere987654321 @Supimbored_ @Gogyfoundthefood @Fckmanberg @SunflowerNotFound @AlmondLaura45 @Catlover4ever

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now