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I looked down at my phone, unsure about what to do. Of course I text him all the time and we see each other at school. I guess FaceTime shouldn't be that different. I bit my lip and decided that FaceTime wouldn't be horrible.

I pressed the FaceTime and waited for Toms to pick up. 

Not long after Toms picked up and his face showed up on the camera. I watched as he smiled and couldn't help but give a small smile back. 

"Not going to lie woman you look like shit." Was the first thing he said. 

I snorted. "I told you I'm dying." 

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

"So why did you want to FaceTime?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you." He told me matter-of-factly. 

I rolled my eyes. "You could have just texted me then."

"It's not the same though." He pointed out, his brows creasing. "So what did you do all day?"

"Watched some television, had lots of tea and slept." I explained blandly. 

"Were you forced to have the tea?" He asked.

"No! I love tea." I exclaimed.

Toms looked shocked. "WOMAN TEA IS DISGUSTING."

"Toms! It's delicious!" I shot back. 

His nose scrunched up in disgust. "I don't understand you woman."

"Too bad," I told him. I started to get uncomfortable and moved on to my bed. I pulled my pillows to make a stack behind me and pulled my fluffy duvet blanket over my legs. 

"Are you going to sleep?" He questioned, his eyes narrowed at the phone. 

I shook my head. "Just getting comfortable."

Toms nodded and I watched as he propped his phone up and sat at some sort of desk. It looked like Toby's desk and had a bunch of gadgets and a giant chair. Toms looked to be turning on the computer that was no doubt in front of him and looked past the phone.

"Your desk area looks so much like Toby's," I commented. Toms turned to me and gave a nervous laugh. 


I watched as he started to click things and he seemed to be playing some sort of game by the key sounds and his look of concentration. 

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm playing bedwars." He told me, looking at the phone quickly. 

"Oh okay. Did you want to talk?" I asked, a little confused.

"Oh yeah, I'm listening don't worry." He reassured me. "Tell me about your favourite book."

"Well it's definitely the Hunger Games," I told him excitedly, seeing a smile grow on his face. 

"I think I saw the movies, they were good."

"Toms, the books were like ten times better than the movies. Trust me. In the books, you really get to understand Katniss and why she makes the choices, you can see her turning insane slightly because of her PTSD from the games. You can also understand why she picked Peeta and in the book Gale was a little less of a jerk." I rambled. "And really all the deaths are so much harder in the books. But I think the music and sets were so well done and I think that it's literally the best book to movie ever done. My fav-"

I realized how long I was rambling and immediately stopped. Gosh, I hadn't rambled like that in a while. It was nice but I probably annoyed Toms.

"Why did you stop?" He asked, looking at the camera and not his computer anymore.

"Sorry it was probably annoying," I mumbled as I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. 

"No, no. I liked hearing you talk." He told me. This made me smile brightly and I immediately went back to what I was talking about.


We had been talking for hours now and I was getting really tired. Toms was talking about something that had happened with Toby on Minecraft but I had a hard time staying awake. 

Not that I didn't want to listen. I really did like listening to Toms's stories. I was just sick and tired and that was a horrible combination for when you wanted to stay up.

I felt my eyes lids start to close and slowly I let them. I would still listen to him, but maybe I could just lay down with my eyes closed.

Though I had overestimated my self-control and within a minute I was fast asleep.

Tommy POV (This will happen every once in a while)

I was talking about one of the times me and Toby had pvped and how horribly it went. I hadn't heard Bree in a while but thought that maybe she was just listening. I finished the story and still no sound came from my phone but deep breaths. 

"Bree?" I asked as I turned to face my phone. 

I was surprised to see that she was fast asleep. The phone was placed so I could see her face and her arm that snaked under her pillow to lift it up. I smiled as I turned away from my computer and studied her sleeping face.

I wouldn't say I was being creepy, I was just watching my friend peacefully sleep. Not creepy at all. But she really did look peaceful, and pretty. I found it cute how the side of her face was squished against her pillow and how some stray strand of hair was falling in front of her face. 

Even if she had a hard time talking to me in person and even if she got scared in crowds she was still amazing. She was great at English and wrote essays like they were nothing. She also read all the time, something that I could never do. Every time she talked about reading she would light up and smile, rambling on about characters in a fictional world. I didn't mind that she rambled and found it cute, especially since she hardly talked usually and was for once talking non-stop. 

I grabbed my phone and took a screenshot of sleeping, Bree. 

"Goodnight Bree," I said softly before heading to bed myself. 


@linmor24 thank you so much for the support! My notifications were being filled as I wrote this by your votes and it meant a lot! <3

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now