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The next day I sat alone in my room reading. There wasn't much to do, seeing as it was already Friday and the school gave us the day off. So what better way to spend it reading? I was laying down on my bed with a pair of black jeans and my favourite shirt. The shirt used to be my dad's, before he passed away. He loved to travel and bought a shirt from each and every place. The one I was wearing was a blue shirt with a landscape picture under the word Colorado.

I was currently reading the Hunger Games for the third time. I read very fast which is kind of a downside since the books are read so quickly. But I just decide to reread them after a few months. 

I switch my position on my bed and fluff my pillows behind me. I hear someone coming upstairs and my door opens slowly. Toby's head pops into the room and I look up from my book.

"Hey." I greet. 

"Hey, so we need you to come downstairs." He said.

"We?" I ask.

"Oh, Tommy's here."

"Why do you need me?"

"Well, I wanted to show you something."

"So why is Toms here?"

He looked at me funny and then smiled. "Toms?" He laughed.

I groaned. "Just answer the question, Toby," I complained, throwing a pillow in his direction. It missed by so much it wasn't even funny.

"Cause he and I were doing something today. It not that big of a deal. Now put the book down and come downstairs please." He explained quickly. 

I rolled my eyes and got up from my bed. I placed the book on the shelf and tied my hair up into a messy bun instead of its unbrushed state. Toby grinned before turning around and leading me downstairs. I followed him to the basement where his room door was open. We got into his room to see Toms on Toby's computer, doing god knows what.

"Did you get it ready?" Toby asked before standing next to him.

"Yeah," Toms replied before glancing at me then returning his gaze to the computer. 

I sat down on Toby's bed and started to trace the stripes on his bee plushie. The guys took another minute at the computer before they both turned to face me. It was an awkward second before I finally spoke.

"What?" I asked, brows raised in question.

"Well, Woman we have something very important to tell you," Toms said with a smirk. 

"Are you both joining the army? Moving out? Getting matching shirts?" I ask, still confused at why I was here.

Toby turned to Toms. "Matching shirts is actually a great idea." He commented.

Toms was turned to face Toby and he looked about to respond and start what I could imagine would be a long discussion on what shirt they would get, but her turned back to me instead.

"Do you know what Minecraft is?" He asked.

I laughed. "I'm not that uncultured."

This time Toby spoke. "You know YouTubers? They make videos and other people watch them." I nodded. "Well, I'm a YouTuber. Well and a Twitch streamer. Twitch is kinda like YouTube but live."

I looked between the two serious boys. "I'm confused."

Seriously I was. What did Toby mean he was a 'witch streamer'? And YouTuber? I would have known that by now. Thinking about it he might be one of those people with only a handful of subscribers. Not that I had little faith in Toby it's just that not many people are that famous.

Toms turned around and clicked a few things before I heard Toby's voice come through the computer. My brow furrowed as I got closer to the computer. I looked to see Toby's face and his Minecraft character on the screen. I looked up and the site was Twitch. Oh was that the thing they talked about before?

"See?" Toby pointed to the views. 

Woah. Okay, that was a lot. Toby was famous?

First I felt scared. People 

I turned back and hugged Toby. "You didn't tell me you were famous."

If he was famous that meant... God. So thousands of people recognized his face and knew who he was. How could he handle that? How could he be so calm? I couldn't even imagine. But what about his job? He didn't have enough time to do this on top of school and working. 

"Wh-" I wasn't even sure what question I wanted to ask first. I started and stopped talking multiple times before finally saying. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

Toby looked down at his feet before replying. "I wasn't sure how you would take it."

I pursed my lips and slouched a bit. He had every reason to not know how I would take it though. I was unpredictable when it came to hearing about things like this. I felt some anxiety for him but was surprisingly doing well. 

"What about work?" I asked. Toms snickered before spinning in Toby's desk chair.

"Well, that is work."


"Streaming. It makes some nice money actually."

That made so much sense as to why he was on Minecraft that day and his weird hours. And when he asked me to get off discord because he was probably working and playing on the streaming thing...

Oh no. My gaze shot to them. Was I on his streaming thing? Had I been talking to thousands of people? My heartbeat quickened and Toby's gaze shot to me and he looked at me with concern. 

"Um... H-had I... you kno-ow? Tal-lked..." I said shakily and Toms finally looked back up from the computer at me. Toby shook his head and Toms spoke up.

"Don't worry. Toby had just ended his stream and I hadn't been live." Toms reassured me. But what did he mean by he hadn't gone live? Did he have the same job as Toby?

"Are you?" I asked.

"Of course I am. I wouldn't deprive the world of my awesomeness." He stated seriously.

I laughed softly and Toby chuckled. I felt the need to get out and stood up. "I'm going to go for a walk," I say before getting up and making my way upstairs. 

A/n: Sorry for the late updates. But she finally found out! I'm sorry if she sounds a bit dramatic but the character has very bad anxiety and it is with good reason. Her backstory will show back up later!

Also thank you to a few amazing people. @BelaNotFound,  and @wormieo <3

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now