Epilogue 2

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Ava - 20 years later

"BEE" I yell as I barge into my sister's house. Knocking doesn't even cross my mind since I practically live here anyway. My apartment feels too crowded. Let's just say I'm not a very clean person. 

Nobody answers my yells. Nobody. That's not normal. 

Usually, at least Rowan matches my yells. Both them and their sister inherited the loud genes but Willow prefers quiet when alone. Rowan on the other hand loves the noise, they sometimes even need to blast music through the house to concentrate. 

I take the stairs to the second floor two by two, trying to hear anything but it seems to be completely silent. I pass the kid's rooms and the master bedroom and head straight to the nursery. If it's quiet in this house it's most likely because of baby Livia. 

I twist the nob as softly as I can and pear inside the room. The lights are on dimly and I can make out someone on the spare bed in the nursery. I see the dark blond hair and immediately perk up. 

Bree lays down next to an awake Livia who is trying to catch her feet. I grin as I tiptoe towards Livia and pick her up into my arms. 

"Hello there," I say, my voice soft as I stare at my niece in awe. 

Livia giggles as I lift her above my head and spin slowly. My shoulder-length blond hair catching in my face but I dont mind since I'm holding this bundle of joy. 

"Did mummy fall asleep next to you?" I coo and she scrunched up her little nose. "Did you keep her up all night? Maybe I'll have to take you home with me and give your mummy a break." This is a lie though, I would probably never have children. I didn't want kids personally but I always loved Bree's kids.

Livia grabs for my glasses as I place her on my hip and I turn my head away.

"Hey! No stealing," I tease as I start to walk out of the nursery. I go back down the stairs and make my way through their open-plan first floor. Personally, I think the space is too big, but this is Bree and Thomas were talking about. I reach the kitchen and pull open the refrigerator door to look for snacks. 

I see only a few options that seem worth my time but none that I want at this moment. I turn around and assess the room.

"Looks like your dad didn't do groceries this week. I should send him an angry text, or maybe even leave him a note." I go to find a paper and pencil before realizing it's probably not a good idea for me to write a note the children will probably read. I may or may not have the nicest vocabulary. But Thomas is the dick who doesn't buy food. 

I frown and look back at Livia. "What am I supposed to do if I don't have food?" I ask.

In the corner of my eye, I see a hair clip and turn to get it. As I turn I hit my foot hard on the counter and I almost dropped the baby.

"Fuck." I swear bracing myself against the counter. My face scrunches up in pain and I lean to grab the clip that caused me this harm. As I angrily put it in with one hand I hear,

"Did you just swear in front of my child?" Bree's soft voice fills the room reminding me again about my loud and sometimes almost comically accented voice. Seriously one of my dates thought I was Irish for some reason. 

I roll my eyes and bring my hand down from my hair. "Don't act like Thomas doesn't do it as well," I comment as I go to give her Livia. 

Bree looks both radiant and tired. She has a big smile and her eyes crinkle just a bit when she laughs or grins. You can see motherhood has taken its toll on her, but she seems confident in the role. She always said she practically raised me and has been a mother since she was young. That's probably why she's such a good mother, she made her mistakes with me. 

I'm kidding, mostly.

"Good afternoon Liv," Bree says calmly as she places the baby on her hip. Livia seems right at home in the spot, letting her head leaning against her mother's shoulder and sighing. 

"Thomas is out with the kids?" I question as I sit down at the counter.

"Mhm," Bree hums as she looks through their cabinets. She ends up going to the freezer in the end and taking out the tub of ice cream. 

It was one of those days. 

"Rowan told me about their class last week, and that girl emily. I could beat her up for them." I say, taking a spoonful of ice cream and spinning in my seat.

Bree's head whips up and she glares at me. "You will do no such thing."

"Kid has it coming though." I shrug.

"Rowan will beat the kid up if it gets that bad. Toms taught them too over the weekend. I was against it at first but then Ro told me what she said and I let them continue." Bree smiled through the story and took spoonfuls of ice cream here and there.

"Thomas doesn't know how to fight. He wouldn't hurt a fly. That man's only proficiency is how to attack you with a sentence. And your the one with an English major."

"I don't know how he does it."

"How I do what?"

I turn to the doorway to see Thomas walking into the house. Willow, 8 years old behind him, her blond hair in a long ponytail behind her and holding a volleyball. Rowan, on the other hand, 10 years of age yet acts like my twin. They have their almost light brown hair straight to their shoulders, simple features and they definitely inherited more of Thomas's features. At least they look better with them than he does.

"How you act like a fucking dick all the time," I say nonchalantly as Rowan runs and gives me a big hug. They were a huge grin and hug me tightly, pretty impressive for the fact that I'm sitting on a pretty tall chair. God, they are getting tall.

"Stop being a bitch Ava, there are children."

I laugh and stick my tongue out at him, to which he returns. I wouldn't say our arguing was loving but we didn't really hate each other in most cases where we weren't verbally attacking each other, which I actually learned from him, we tolerated each other. 

I ran a hand through my hair and turned to see Bree's expression. Sure enough, it was just as comical as I imagined. She had an eyebrow raised and looked disappointedly at Thomas.

"Toms could you be any more childish, your just encouraging her."

"Yeah, dad," Willow said as she took off her shoes at the entrance. 

Toms rolled his eyes and walked towards Bree. I pretended to be disgusted, but really sometimes their relationship melted my icy heart. But only theirs. 

Toms put an arm around Bree and leaned down to place a kiss on Bree's lips, lingering a bit. Bree was staring at him with so much love I honestly had a hard time not awwing. What the fuck is wrong with me. Bree was still holding the baby and Tom's arm was wrapped around her other side and on her lower back. I'm too lonely for this shit. 

"Yeah but I'm yours"

Bree rolls her eyes.

"And I'm yours."


This is the end folks I think. Honestly, I have like a whole thousand words written about Ava, Willow and Rowan and how they act I could make another book. but guess who doesn't have time for that? Me! 

But you will see me still with a few updates here and there. Hope you are safe, happy and cared for. 

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