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Friday came around and it was the day to hand in our project. I was nervous because I didn't want to get lower than an A. I had always been a straight-A student and didn't want to ruin that. I always got nervous before handing things in though so I just resulted to fidgeting a lot. Science was after lunch so I had all morning to worry. 

We sat in our regular lunch booth. The boys talked and I had a book open in front of me while I started to eat some crackers. I was constantly eating them and had gone through the whole bag in under a minute. Once I noticed it was empty I frowned and put the wrapper in my lunch bag to throw away once I get home. 

Now that I don't have eating to replace my fidgeting I'm trying out new things. Tapping on the book cover doesn't help and neither does placing one hand underneath my thighs to hold it from moving. 

I end up moving continuously and not being able to get comfortable. After a few minutes of this, I gave up with trying to sit alone and read my book. Maybe if I listened to the guy's conversation then I could focus on that instead. 

But apparently, the guys had asked me a question or something because they were both looking at me and waiting. Was I really that zoned out? God, maybe I was just as bad as Toms claimed I was when I read. 

"Do you need anything?" I asked, my voice only loud enough so they can just hear me over the sounds in the cafeteria. 

"I asked if you were okay. You were fidgeting." Toby said. When he added the last part my shoulders slumped and I stopped immediately. Toby realized what he had said and pulled me into a side hug. "Sorry. I forgot." He said, guilt evident.

"It's not your fault," I mumbled. I hugged him back, looping my arms around his waist. He was definitely the best hugger I had ever met. Whenever I needed a hug Toby was the person I would go to. 

After a few minutes, I pulled away slightly but still stayed close to Toby. I was staying close to Toby, knowing that he understood and would help me out. 

Tommy POV 

I'm so confused. First Bree was fidgeting it her seat and couldn't sit still. At first I ignored it but it became evident that there was something bothering her. Toby had probably caught it too because he asked her if she was okay. She didn't answer and it was as if Toby hadn't just said a word. 

I couldn't help but smile. It was cute how she would literally just zone out. It was like when someone is either a deep sleeper and hard to wake up or a slight sleeper. Well, she was a deep zoning out person. Is that even a word? Or a thing?

But then when he asked her again he mentioned the fidgeting and it's like they were like talking through their minds or some crazy shit because they were now hugging. They both looked sad, though Toby looked very concerned. 

So I just sit there awkwardly and wait for the conversation to start up again. When it's clear neither of them is going to talk I speak up. "So what's wrong?"

She looks up from the spot she was staring at as if reminded of the fact that I'm actually still here. She looks a bit confused so I sigh before elaborating. 

"You couldn't sit still and looked bothered by something," I explain. Though I'm unsure why there would have been anything else wrong. 

Other than the fact Toby and Bree are now psychics, but that is not important right now. 

"Oh. Just the science project." She says with a frown. 

I laugh and lean back against the chair of the booth. "That? We're definitely getting an A." I tell her confidently. 

"And how would you know that?"

"Because woman, Mr. Smith is an easy grader and even I get B's and A's in his class." 

She nods but doesn't really look convinced. 

"Don't worry ours is great. Better than Toby's too."

"Hey!" Toby shouts defensively. 

"Woman did it so it's automatically better," I tell him.

He pouts but doesn't object to my statement. Bree smiles and I know that I've at least helped lighten up the mood. Plus watching Bree try and sop her laughs was a bonus. I don't get why she tries to hide when she laughs. Laughs are meant for everyone to hear, especially hers. She doesn't laugh enough for her own good. 

I hear the bell and I groan. Now it's time for science. I hate school so fucking much. 

Bree POV

I walk into science in front of Toms and go towards our stools. I get my things out and take out our report on the life of a cell. I can feel my nerves rise as more and more students enter the room. More students means it's closer to the time I have to hand it in and I can't look it over again and change things. 

I quickly take out a pencil and look over my work one last time. I need to be sure this is the final product before handing it in. 

Before I can even put the pencil on the paper someone steals it from me. That someone is of course Toms. 

"Hey! Give that back." I whisper harshly at him. 

He shakes his head no before grabbing my pencil case from the edge of my desk and putting it behind his back with my pencil. I try and grab for it but I'm too late. I sigh in annoyance. 

"Toms I need to go over the project and to do that I need a pencil," I stated, mad that him stealing my pencil was making me even more stressed. 

"Woman, you need to stop freaking out. you've looked over it about a hundred different times in each class." He told me. 

"That's because this is a third of our grade for the term," I tell him. Why can't he just let me look it over?

"And your a genius so we are going to do perfectly fine on it." He reasons.

"I'm not a genius Toms, I'm just intelligent." I point out the flaw in his reasoning. 

"Same thing." 

Before I can respond the bell rings and Toms grabs the report from my hands. I lunge for it but fall awkwardly off my stool. By the time I'm up again Toms is already at the teacher's desk. I glare daggers at the back of his head. I couldn't have read over it so many times before the teacher actually got us to hand it in. 

Toms walked back to our spot with a triumphant grin. I on the other hand was frowning and had my arms crossed in front of my chest. 

"I hate you," I grumbled just as he sat down. 

"No, you love me. All women do." He said smugly. 

"Your impossible Toms."

"And you are a serial killer."

"You know I'm really considering it as a profession now."


"Yeah, I've figured out the perfect way to get rid of the body too."

"I might have to become a stalker then. Can't let you go to jail alone"

"Who says I'll get caught?"

Toms laughs and I can't help the smile that tugs at my lips. Even if he gave the paper in and didn't let me look over it he was still good at making me laugh. 

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now